1) Sadness

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The day dies,
The night sets.
Welcome, my fears
To another roulette. (1)

Don't wake me up,
Let the quiet drag me in.
For eternity
Nothing to lose
Nothing to win. (2)

The crow caws
The cold is immense
This melancholy day
Of winter began
With a tint of sadness
A veil of fog
Enclosing us all
In it's lonely arms (3)

I wish I could count my sins
And repent to those whom I offend
But alas I can't
For it's too late
And the storms have passed
I wallow in my helplessness
For not out of pity of the sinned
But the sinners conscience (4)

O! Mighty King!
Leave thy throne
And descend within
Do thy not possess any shame?
Pretend thy will notwithstanding
Acting a Lord! All mighty and high
A swindle! A cheat!
Within (5)

However may I twist my words
However might I control my tounge
However may the gathered react
However times may the story be narrated
The truth remains unchanged
Be it's nature comforting
Be it devastating
Be it good
Or Be it bad
It is the truth nonetheless (6)

Sitting on the table
Wondering how I winded up
At the bitter end of life's wonders
Working work I'd rather not
Living in a manner I despise a whole lot
A great sadness fills me
But to contemplate this emotion
I need some isolation
But the bell rings
Signalling the end of the break
And this train of thought (7)

Is this the day?
Is this the time? O Raven!
When I leave this earthly flesh
This earthly longing
This pain so unbearable
Yet this unearthly envy
The greed and the spite
Fill me with sadness so tight
Leaving is almost a bliss
To be over with (8)

The frog and the bee.
At the river's edge
Croaking and buzzing
To the best of their extents.
Both with dreams and hopes
And ambition galore
But alas the frog is bigger
It's will triumphs
And the bee
With it's dreams
Ends (9)

They say that to live
Is to feel
But is it really?
To feel the sadness
And the envy
The greed of man
And his insatiable will?
Is it really life?
To suffer
With love sprinkled in between
The answer varies
From the penniless beggar
To the wealth ridden count

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