Chapter 6: The Union Between Sun And Moon

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A gift.

It's the one that comes after long anticipation. It's the one you've been moving towards...slowly...for what feels like years. It's the one that was freely given. It's the one that you have to close your eyes to fully experience. It's the one that feels like sunshine after days of rain. It's the one that gets taken with no regrets. It's the one that feels like you just came home after a long absence. It's the first soft rain after a drought. It starts slow before building to a crescendo. It's the one that steals your breath. It's neither too wet, nor too dry. It tastes sweet. It feels spicy. It's electric. It causes shivers from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. It makes your toes curl. It makes you feel unsteady. And once it's over, all you want is more.

It was...perfect in every way.

As we pulled away. We remained looking into one another's eyes as the cheering of the crowds roared around us. Facing everyone, our hands did not leave each other's touch. I glanced over to ChoCho who stood as my maid of honor. She clapped with a big smile on her face and then to Shikadai who gave me a reassuring nod as Baruto's best man.

I then looked to the crowd to see my father holding my mother as she teared with Lord Seventh by his side giving me a warm smile and Aunt Hinata holding a tissue by her soft nose. I then looked to Hima who had rosy cheeks as she clapped with excitement.

The entire village had come to our wedding. They had come to see us. The union of the decade. The last time there was this big of a wedding was when Lord Seventh had married Aunt Hinata.

Standing on top of the Hokage cliffs, I looked over the village as dawn loomed in. It was beautiful as the sun rose over the skyscrapers of the village below. The wind blew soft through my hair as I whistled against my glasses and shinobi headband.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. Turning around I was met with Boruto who wore a dull green shinobi vest. His black sleeves and pants covering his skin with the Uzumaki symbol on his arm. I smiled as he ran over to me.

"What is it!" Boruto exclaimed as he examined me, "Your message seemed urgent!"

I smiled as I pulled my hands over my own jonin vest and over my stomach. Looking down, his eyes followed and then widened. He then looked back to my eyes that wandered around his expression. I gave a faint smile as I gripped my stomach gently.

"I'm pregnant," I softly spoke.

He blushed before he cracked a wide smile and embraced me tightly. I laughed at his excitement.

"Congratulations, y'know!" Lord Seventh spoke with happiness.

I watched as my father walked over to Boruto and shook his hand. My mother pulled me in close for a hug and felt myself nervously smile.

"Sarada, this is wonderful," she exclaimed.

Aunt Hinata then gave me a hug as I embraced her back hard. My father then approached me and I nervously looked up to him. He smiled as he put his hand on my shoulder. Boruto then softly put his arm around me proudly and I felt happy.

"Sarada, push!" my mother called out.

With all my strength I pushed. I used to be in pain but now I can think about seeing them. What would they look like?

"Arghh!" I gave one last heavy push before the cries of a new life could be heard.

My grip then loosened from Boruto's grasp and he looked at me with a smile. I felt my heart beat steady as sweat dripped down my face. I panted hard as I twisted my head around to try and see them. All I could hear was their cries as I felt my vision blur. All I could see was my mother handing a small thing to Boruto. As he drew in closer, my vision had never become more clear.

"It's a boy, Sarada," Boruto spoke, tears streaming down his face.

I laughed as I tried to catch my breath. My weakened arms then reached up before Boruto handed me this small baby boy. He was so small and fragile. So precious.

As I cradled the baby in my arms, I looked up to Boruto who sat gently on the edge of the hospital bed and pulled his arm around the top of my shoulders. Looking down at the baby, I watched in curiosity as the cries grew down. He probably recognized his mom. Suddenly, his eyes fluttered open to reveal bright and vibrant blue eyes. It was like pools of the sky. It was beautiful. I then stroked his deep black hair. Sky blue eyes and dark hair like the night.

"I'll leave you too alone," my mother spoke warmly before giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I smiled as I watched her leave the room leaving Boruto, me and this small baby boy in my arms alone.

I looked at him with wonderment. I noticed he has one whisker on each of his cheeks like his father and grandfather before him. He was just so beautiful.

"What should we name him?" Boruto spoke in a soft tone as the baby yawned and then nustled his head into my arm.

As I looked at the small baby in my arms, I smiled when only one name came to my mind. It was perfect and I knew instantly.


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