The group of teens gathered in the same location that they always did, which was beneath a huge tree that provided them with shade and surrounded by five white picnic tables. Due to the fact that they were such a large bunch, they had taken up residence in three of them.
The principal's voice over the PA system boomed throughout the entire school, the announcement ringing through their bodies.
Attention students, all after school activities have been canceled temporarily due to public safety concerns. Please proceed home immediately.
The news of the latest murder committed by Ghostface spread like wildfire. It was a sleepy little town, and the only thing that kept people interested was the sporadic slayings that took place there every couple of years or so.
Even though their lessons hadn't begun yet, five of the teens were already lounging about at their spot. They were waiting for the other members of their group of friends to arrive so that they could discuss whatever it was that teenagers discussed.
"Did you guys hear about that killing last night?"
Liv, a tall, pink-haired girl with thick eyeliner and heavy eyeshadow was sitting next to her boyfriend, who had his toned arm wrapped around her.
"How could you not? It's all they can talk about here," Mindy pointed out.
She was a huge fan of the Stab movies, which were based on the Ghostface murders, and every other horror movie there was to boot.
"Don't those killings happen every so often?" Chad, the star quarterback of the school and the boyfriend of the tall girl, questioned about it. Surprisingly, his attention was pricked by something that had nothing to do with football or his girlfriend.
His twin sister added her two cents.
"Yeah and it's always some douche snozzle who has nothing better to do in his life and gets off by putting on a mask."
A guy who was seated next to a girl with a raven hair pulled a face. He had just coloured his hair in an effort to stand out, and although it succeeded in doing so, the coloring was all spotty, and some spots were missing the pigment entirely.
"Ew, Mindy. Way too specific."
Chad joined the conversation and said, "Sounds like something you would do, bro."
"Don't worry, Wesley. You're like walking girlfriend repellent already," Amber fired back.
The two quarreled like bitter enemies. Even if it was over something small. It would start with Wes saying something and Amber finding a way to make fun of him for it.
Then the two would spend five minutes just arguing back and forth until one of their friends intervened. Yet, it was all in good fun and banter.
During the middle of the argument that these two always had at eight in the morning, the other two members of their group stepped over to their tables.
"Hey, guys," the shorter one of the pair greeted them first.
They were greeted with a cheery chorus of hellos as they took their seats at the table, with the shorter girl seated next to the one with curly hair.
Mindy made a sarcastic comment while opening her arms wide and jokingly grinning.
"Well, isn't it the Dynamic Duo?"Amber was eager to speak, faking to be hurt at the idea that she was being excluded from their trio.
"Hey, I'm a part of that duo too."
Her girlfriend, Y/N, sat next to her and put her arm around her, pulling her in.

Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x Fem Reader)
Fanfictionforget everything you knew (I mean literally because it's basically y/n in the scream universe, a mixture of 5 and 6ish) amber freeman x female reader ranked #1 in "mikeymadison" ranked #2 in "amberfreeman"