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Day 16

"Hidden Banes, Silent Pains"

Oh, human hearts, how fragile they seem.

With a chink in the armor, a fatal seam

Each one harboring a lurking disease.

A thorn in the flesh, a bane that won't ease.

Like the Trojan hero, we all have our own

Achilles' heel, a weak spot to bemoan

It could be love, pride, or fear that ensnares, or a sin, a vice, that the soul impairs

We hide behind a veil of strength and might, but deep within, we fight a gruesome fight

For disease, weakness, a foe that spares none, we must kneel

And learn to heal, our own Achilles' heel.


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou

Words In Bloom: Poetry Inspired By Spring PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now