Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"My sons!" Chronos yelled, bashing Rendore on the head. "Aid me!"

The two warlords ran to their father, knocking Rendore down the hill and into a horde of Mendaris.

"We must retreat," the king said. "Our people are being massacred."

Pythus and Ingressus both widened their eyes. "We had an agreement!"
"The agreement was that we would procure your Primes, not that we would fight your war for you."

"The Agressium Prime-"
"Is not a cause I am willing to send more men to die for," Chronos yelled over the noise of battle.

"Your village raids have lost me more men than I can spare. For the last four months, your promised victory has been fleeing me. Now, they have the Lightbringer on their side. This war is slipping from our grasp."

"We can't run, father!" Pythus yelled. "We can turn this! Our honor-"

"Our brothers-in-arms are dying. I can't lose any more of them. I can't lose you, Pythus. Nor you, Vulcannus," he said, turning to his other son, love for his heirs in his eyes. "For the sake of my people, I must call a retreat."

He took out a horn, made from the tentacle of a ghast. He blew it, and his soldiers knew what to do. Rallying to their portals, they had blazes and wither skeletons destroy the frames as they left.

"May you find your victory, Ingressus," Chronos said solemnly. "I'm sorry, but I can't send my sons to die."

"But you're willing to condemn the Voltaris?" Ingressus said coldly. Chronos merely shook his head, walking through the portal with Vulcannus. Pythus grimaced, looking like he wanted to argue further, but it was no use: his father had made up his mind. Giving Ardonia one last hateful look, he stepped through the purple frame as a blaze blew it to bits.

Ingressus yelled in rage at the sky, begging the heavens for a purpose for all this, for the war slowly turning against him, until now. He watched Tygren flee from the new Champion, slitting the throat of a Mendaris. Just as he was about to call for a retreat to Mount Velgrin, two Ardoni ran at him. A Nestoris and a Sendaris. One held a gleaming broadsword. The other, an all-too-familiar staff.

Acchilean and Thalleous had heard all they needed to. The war was as good as won now: critical advantages had all accumulated into this moment. Now, they could end the war here, while the Voltaris were distracted, fighting for their lives, and the Netherans trying to escape.

"No!" Ingressus yelled, furious at the universe for sending his rival to him now. "You fool of a-" The Sendaris used an Aggroquake Song to shatter Ingressus' balance. As the two advanced on him at breakneck speed, Ingressus flashed out of the way using his MobiliPrime, right behind his foes. Charging at them, they barely realized where he was before they dodged an attack that would have killed them both.

"Retreat!" Ingressus yelled as he dueled the two Lieutenants. "Fall back to Velgrin, brothers!"

The Voltaris fired a handful of arrows at Ingressus' enemies, who collapsed to the ground as projectiles rained onto them from the sky. Staring down at the two soldiers, Ingressus waited a brief moment before joining his clansmen in fleeing the battle. Picking arrows from their arms and knees, the Lieutenants stared at the running clan.

"Captain Sarrettus," a young Sendaris soldier asked. "Should we pursue?"

Sarrettus, standing only fifteen feet from his two friends, gave them a harrowed look.

"These officers need healing, as do many others," the Champion said. "Remain here while I consult the Masters."

Three days later, Acchilean, Sarrettus, Thalleous, Rendore, Herobrine, and the four Masters sat on the ground in a large tent. An Ardoni named Tellerous had been appointed Master of the Nestoris, and now sat at his first meeting with his peers.

"The Nether told Ingressus they were retreating," Thalleous said. "If we don't attack Velgrin now, they will recoup and begin another round of assaults."

"We also must recoup," said Melkor. "Our forces must meet and strategize."

Thallous exhaled. "Master Melkor, we could send envoys to our forces, have them meet at Velgrin-"

"Don't contradict me, Lieutenant!" the weary Sendaris master yelled. Tellerous gritted his teeth.

"We ought to strike," Herobrine said. "Did your champions not raid Velgrin countless times? Weaken them beyond return this time. End this war!"

"Perhaps we ought to vote upon the matter," the Mendaris master suggested.

"There would be four participants. It wouldn't work," sighed the Kaltaris master.

"There would be five!" Herobrine yelled, his eyes flashing.

"Might I also lend my opinion?" inquired Rendore. "My knights have a stake in this, as well."

"The Champion of the Ardoni traditionally voted on wartime affairs," Tellerous said, his deep-orange markings glowing in the tent. "That would be seven."

The masters looked at each other, then nodded. "Very well," spoke Melkor. "We'll vote. All in fav-"

"These Lieutenants," Herobrine said. "They've contributed magnificently to the war effort. They're the reason we speak now. They ought to participate."

Melkor breathed heavily, staring down the Primordial. "Lieutenants? Voting at a Master's council! That's absurd!"

"This whole war has been absurd," said Rendore. "Perhaps the time for a breach in protocol is now."

Melkor stood tensely for an uncomfortable amount of time, then nodded imperceptibly. "They...They can vote, for the Prime's sake! All in favor of a final assault that would probably weaken our militias beyond imagination?"

Herobrine raised his hand first. Then Rendore. Thalleous, confused by this honor, put his clenched fist into the air. Tentatively, Acchilean followed. The masters of the Nestoris and Mendaris came last.

"All opposed?"

The Kaltaris master eagerly stood, putting his staff up in his hand. Melkor raised his palm.

"Seven to two," he whispered.

"What was that, Master Melkor?" Herobrine asked, the shadow of a grin on his face.

"Seven to two, in favor."

"Then the 'ayes' have it!" Herobrine yelled. "We prepare an assault!"

Author's Note:

Hello, all. I quite like this weekly publishing schedule: I think I'll keep it for now.

Give me your thoughts below, or via a discord DM. My name has changed: It's now MasonKnight#1400.



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