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Start from the beginning

"Oh well so sorry for ruining your special night. You want me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness? Cause I won't fucking do it, Not anymore. Not after you went to fucking Nagi."

Rin said with glaring eyes as he pushed his hair back. "So this is about Nagi? I get it you're jealous Rin, why else would you come here? You just hate losing even outside of football."

"That's not why I'm her--"

"It all makes sence now, You're a self-centered, overconfident and a lying bastard. I hate even looking at your face, you disgust me. That's probably why your brother left you too." The brunette said going too far. The emo boy grabbed her wrist as they made eye-contact.

"Don't you dare mention my brother again. Don't just jump to conclusions, it's like you said you don't know me so stay outta my business." Rin said as the girl harshly shoved him away.

"Maybe if you told me some things I wouldn't get angry. Forget it Rin, there's no point in arguing with you. You're just a traumatized teen, who only cares about himself. I fucking hate you."

"Yeah you're right, Is this what you wanted to hear? I don't care about you Mira, I never have. Don't go crying about it like before, you need someone to comfort you? I'm not the fucking person. It wouldn't matter to me if you disappeared right now."

Mira stepped back, her eyes were watery and her heart felt heavy. She glared at him for the last time and ran back inside. The boy looked down in shame. 'Why the fuck did I even come here? I just made things worse.'

He thought and kicked a rock hard. "I'm pathetic."

He mumbled and went back to his car. There was no point in staying there further.

Mira chugged down three more shots and sat in the bar alone. Her face was twisted in disgust, He hated him and his fucking guts and the reason for that was...

He just didn't care.

He was an ass and a liar. She hated how he manipulated her feeling even if it wasn't intensional. She hated how he made her feel.

After a while she got bored of just getting drunk and decided to go upstairs to get away from the loud music.

The music was just loud noise to her, her ears and mouth were burning. Her feet were also hurting, overall the party turned into a hot mess.

Mira found an empty room and went inside. She used the bathroom to splash water in her face and freshen up. As she was laying on the bed staring into space the door opened making her jump.

It revealed a dark blue haired boy with matching blue eyes. His eyes widen as he noticed the girl in the room. "Oh I'm sorry, I was looking for the bathroom." He said and bowed.

"It's over there, just use it."

She said making the boy smile and run inside. After a few minutes he came out and nervously asked. "Do you mind if I stay here?"


"Is something bothering you? I mean not to get into your business but..." He asked making the brunette sigh.

"There's this guy, I asked him to come to my game, but he didn't. So I got angry at that and wouldn't forgive him, But today he came again and We kinda said mean things to each other and Now I regret it? I'm still mad at him tho!!"

The girl admitted as the boy slowly patted her back. "It's alright, maybe you guys should Talk it out again?"

Mira instantly shook her heard. Talking wasn't the solution for them. "Maybe give it a rest for a while. Then you can go back and fix things."

Suddenly her phone buzzed in her pocket. It was time to go home. She got up and thanked the stranger. As she was about to exit the room she asked.

"What's your name?"

"Isagi Yoichi."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note

I want those funny wattpad comment so I can read and laugh. 🙏🙏🙏
Someone entertain me pls.

(I'm kinda shocked that we're on 600 reads. THATS CRAZY.)

I love yall🧚‍♀️✨ (even tho yall dont comment and vote🙄🙄)

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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