Caleb and I looked at each other before sighing. "Yeah, we are since it's kinda needed now if we want the current group to survive," I grumbled lowly since I had hope that we didn't need to but responsibilities out weights want.

"What are we going to do with the two Xenophian?" Caleb asked slightly more composed than I am.

Owen went silent for a while. "Can you two bring them to the surface? We can take them back to the base when we report on this," he asked.

I looked at Caleb. "We can request big boxes to move our stuff to the lab, that should be enough to hide them both to the surface," I said.

He nodded. "Yeah that should work, can we get our backpacks? Since we are staying we might need to upgrade and fix our armour," he asked.

"I will get it for them?" Echo asked as I heard Owen hum in acknowledgement before I felt her disappear into the distance.

I lay down on the bed on my stomach. "We will bring them up later during dinner since most will be at the cafeteria," I said as I closed my eyes. "This is going to be either annoying or interesting but there is no doubt that I will be mad at someone."

Caleb patted my back. "As long as you don't include me or Echo in the line of fire, then it will be fine," he said with a serious tone which made me smile.

"You don't even include me? Rude," Owen grumbled which made me chuckle.

I pushed myself up. "Alright, we have to pack, we will contact you when we are going to the surface," I said as I thought about something. "Between Caleb and I, we will probably send weekly reports unless there are urgent matters."

"Smart, alright then, go and pack your stuff," Owen said before I dropped the link.

I looked down at Zethra's watch and requested two giant boxes. "We can move one box downstairs when dinner just starts, one of us will stay behind and get the food before we both go up," I looked at Caleb. "After that, we can eat here and head back to the lab."

Caleb nodded. "That sounds like a plan," he said before we started packing and organizing this couple's stuff. Once the boxes arrived we started throwing everything in there before Caleb brought one of the boxes to the containment chamber.

A Xenophian brought us our dinner and I told him about the move and having all of our meals served at the containment chamber before they left. I moved to the bathroom and picked up the two Xenophian one by one before putting them into the second box, they were a bit squished but they will need to bare with it.

Caleb soon came back before we both moved the box towards the elevator towards the surface. I make everyone around us barely notice the giant box and us while Caleb deals with the cameras and sensors.

"Just saying the new place is deep down underground and quite far from the entrance," Caleb said. "I don't know if your ability will be able to reach the surface."

I glanced at him. "I doubt that my ability can't reach the surface, as long as it is not next to the planet's core then we will be fine," I tilted my head while looking forward, "As for the distance, we will have to adjust I guess."

Once we got near the elevator to the surface, we set its camera to freeze frame before we stepped into it. "Owen, we are going up the elevator," I told him.

"We have freeze frame all the cameras on the surface already," Owen said while I covered the Xenophian above so that they won't see the door opening or us going in or out.

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