Hours passed as Peter and the girls set to work on the upper floors as they cleared out different rooms that they picked out for their beds to go in, basically they chose the first four rooms they came to and had a brief argument who would get which room. The context to what the argument was about was lost on him but he decided it was best for them to sort it out themselves.
The upper floors were reserved for him and his personal use, other than that it was basically just storage rooms and extra space. All the new tech and research that was being conducted in the building were projects that Parker Industries was working on, on the upper floors however Peter kept reserved somethings that pertained to his life as Spider-Man and as such needed to be kept secret to not out his identity.
Certain things like his suits, gadgets, web fluid and other personal projects he had in the making that would certainly raise some eyebrows, and questions, that he couldn't answer with a good reason.
It was decided at some point along the way that he should make space for more rooms, just in case there were situations like Laura and Hope were someone who didn't have anywhere to go needed a place to stay for a while.
It was a long time spent getting everything ready for all four of them but they were settled in nonetheless and their rooms were all ready for them.
"Uhhh... that was exhausting." Peter said slumping down on his office chair.
"Well... at least it's all done now. So we can just relax for now." Laura said relaxing on the office chair, with Kamala, Hope and Anya relaxing with her.
"With my luck... I'd be lucky to have a second to catch my breathe before something happens." He said semi jokingly.
"It can't be that bad." Laura imposed.
"Heh. You don't know the half of it." He replied with a slight chuckle.
There was a brief silence in the room as they all got relaxed, it was late into the afternoon and thankfully Peter had nothing better to do than to laze about, if only for a moment.
Down in the main lobby the receptionist was busy away filing at some reports and maintaining Peters schedule, updating where necessary and passing it along when needed. When her attention was brought to blonde woman who just entered the building, the woman bore a striking resemblance to a well known super heroine but she knew it wasn't her.
Something about the blonde woman was familiar to the receptionist but she couldn't exactly place where she knew or where she had seen this woman before.
"Can I help you?" She asked the woman who was gazing around the room nervously.
"Y-yes. I want to speak to Mr. Parker, please." She replied to the receptionist.
The receptionist typed away on her computer and saw that Peter had no meetings for the rest of the day. "I'm sorry, but I don't see any meetings with Mr Parker today. Maybe you could make an appointment and come back another time?" She informed the blonde woman.
"It's... umm... a personal matter." The strange woman responded hesitantly.
"Im sorry but if you don't have an appointment there's nothing much I can do for you. I could... maybe call Mr Parker myself and see if he's willing to meet with you now." She offered.
"Y-yes. Please, do that." She accepted without hesitation.
"Could I get your name, please?" The receptionist asked the blonde woman.
"Ugh... Dr. Sophien." She answered.
The receptionist phoned up to Peters office to inform him of Dr. Sophiens presence and that she wished to speak with him regarding a personal matter.
"Mr. Parker." The receptionist began.
"Yes." Peter responded.
"There's a Dr. Sophien in the lobby who wished to speak with you regarding a personal matter." The receptionist informed him.
"Dr. Sophien? I don't know any Dr. Sophien." Peter said confusedly.
"Mr. Parker says he doesn't know anyone by that name." The receptionist said eyeing the blonde woman cautiously.
"Did she say what kind of personal matter?" Peter asked over the phone.
"No. She didn't sir." She answered as her gaze never left this Dr. Sophien.
"What kind of 'personal matter' did you say this was about?" She asked her curiously.
"Well... that's... personal... you know." She replied nervously.
"I'm afraid I can't let you see Mr. Parker unless you give me something more to give him." The receptionist informed not letting the woman any further into the building without Peters say so.
"I'm a friend... of Carols." The woman said through gritted teeth.
"She says she's a friend of Carols." The receptionist repeated to Peter.
'Carol? Carol Danvers?' Peter thought.
"Give me a minute." Peter said to the receptionist, putting her own hold as he gathered his thoughts.
'A friend of Carols? Who could it be? I don't remember Carol ever mentioning a friend with the name Sophien. And what could she possibly be doing here if all places? Did Carol send her here to give me a message because I won't speak to her and the rest of the Avengers?' Peter questioned every detail and possibility he could think of.
"I'll be down now." Peter said to the receptionist.
"Understood Mr. Parker." The receptionist said.
"Mr. Parker will be down now." She said to the blonde woman who was waiting patiently.
"Where are you going Peter?" Asked Hope as Peter hung up the phone and left for the elevator.
"Apparently there's someone here to see me." Peter said shrugging his shoulders.
"Who?" Anya asked him.
"Don't know. A Dr. Sophien. She said she's a friend of Carols." Peter answered.
"A friend of Carols? Peter be careful, if she's friends with Carol who knows why she's here." Kamala said, warning Peter of her former mentors friend.
"It's okay Kamala, I'll be alright." He assured her and the rest of the girls as he got in the elevator.
Peter walked out into the lobby and his eyes immediately fell on the woman in question, the stunning curvaceous blonde woman was someone who Peter recognised. Back when he was Spider-Man that is, they fought before but there was no way she knew who he was under the mask.
"YOU!" Peter said shocked.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.