Eddie and Dustin Drink the Potions

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Eddie and Dustin split up from steve, nancy and robin while they head to for the creel house they come across a tall building and an elevator that works they in and head to the tallest floor of the building while getting they see a small tv showing they going up to a strange laboratory eddie: holy blood dustin, i think we found something big in this place it looks like a huge laboratory. Dustin Yeah! The elevator stops and the door opens allowing the boys to get out. Eddie: this way go ahead my goodman okay thanks they get off and when eddie got out last the elevator made loud noise scaring the duo a little as they heard it going down to the bottom floor they looking around eddie spys a table of potions and chemicals bubbling on a table on the left side eddie: this is like, cluetopia Dust. Dustin: Yeah so cool. Eddie: hey I think this place used to be a science building where mad doctors that are men create chemicals for them to try on their test monkeys and guinea pigs and put in some weird red substance in the potions to try to see if it effects them but i wonder why the enemy didn't come here to destroy it? Dustin: maybe it might have something to do with that window over there. Eddie looks over to see the window dustin was pointing at and got curious about it. Eddie: good eye squirt I'll go see if i can find anything strange happening outside and see if i can get it open you stand guard, keep an eye out if there is something here and do NOT touch anything here. With that eddie went over to the window to see if he can get it to open. Dustin in the meantime was walking around the lab too see if can find clue of why this place is not destroyed by vecna as he looks around he saw a discovering a deluxe fridge in the back of the room. Dustin: woah a refrigerator! What's this doing here? Shrugging he grabs the doors and open the fridge inside of it he saw there were number of chemicals and potions in different colors across the shelves he saw that the fridge had a mirror on the right door he then saw a yellow substance liquid in a chemical dustin: mmm! Lemonade! My favorite he grabs the chemical out of the fridge and walks in the middle of the room and scoops some of it with his tounge and eats it loving the taste he drinks the whole thing and throws the chemical to the back of the room and walks back to the fridge to see if there are more chemicals with more tasty flavors but then something weird happens, his face starts to swell and buldge out and felt a weird pain in his stomach as it growls a weird sound and soon his head begins to mutant and it spreads across his body. Eddie was looking at the window, and try to pry it open but it wouldn't move up he moans in frustration and saw werid pictures on the top of the window that had weird drawings that he could not understand what they mean he then sighs. Eddie hey dustin we have a problem i can't get the window open, but i did find some weird pictures on top of it maybe they may be clues on how to defeat vecna and save the whole... town from him... as eddie turns around to face dustin he stops and his face turns into a scared one as saw what happened to dustin, he has become a creepy strange humanoid demon his eyes were dull, his top head had stitches on it and blots on each side of his neck he was wearing a black ripped tuxedo and he was standing 8 ft tall he was holding a green potions on his hand while his stomach growls, he then heard eddie calling to him and turns around to face him but he saw that eddie had a freak out look on his much to his confusion. Dustin: Eddie? What is it? Eddie still in shock whispers in panic and he points at the mirror on the right door of the fridge. Eddie: Dustin, you just now turn into a freaky monster. Dustin than looks at his reflection on the mirror and screams in horror seeing himself like this. Dustin what kind of idiot would go and make that kind of drink?! He wipes some bit of the potion he drunk and eddie runs overs to him. Eddie: Dude! You don't drink and eat stuff that glows! He grabs the green potion dustin had and throws it away he starts looking for a cure for dustin. Ok now there's gotta be an antidote or something in here to fix this problem. Eddie's eyes then land on a dark rich blue substance in a beaker, he looks at it and picks it up, then faces dustin with the potion slowly and show it to him. Eddie: here man try this one. It looks medicial to cure someone. Eddie hands the dark blue liquid to dustin and he smells the flavor, he notices some of it on his fingers he lifts his hand close to his face and smells it eddie in his throughs: woah this smells kinda fruity, and it's a good sent of this punch. Dustin dips his finger in the potion and sips a bit of it and licks likening the taste, Eddie Then out of curiosity sticks his tongue out licks it off and tastes it dustin then swallows the whole subtance into his mouth, eddie then smiles that the taset he tried was good Eddie hmm hey this stuff kind taste like- but then dustin burps loudly and eddie starts to shiver, shake, shudder spams, and he and dustin being to act like they been struck by lightning his eyes popped out of his head and warped themselves, as Eddie spins fast before he did a super jump coughing out a bit trail of smoke and a small burst of blue fire from his mouth. Eddie then lands on his feets and shakes the spamming off and stops. Eddie: HA! It's watermelon, cherries, milk and strawberries! He then heard his stomach start making a weird growing and oddly sound. He turns to face the mirror and smiled and laughs a little seeing he did not change, but unknown to him, his chest begins to ripple like water his pecs going up and down like balloons being filled up and have the air out again and again they felt like getting bigger too, he looks to his chest and hears a rushing liquid sound on it he feels them with his fingers and rubs them slowly " woah that potion is so good that i'm feeling it inside me Eddie: Hey Dustin! I'm okay dude and didn't change at all. But as he stops talking his pecs then burst forward with a pop sound and feels his chest heavy. " what the hell?!" Then his jaw drop and his eyes widened in shock and horror as saw his hips expand and his butt grows big and frim his weight thens ships into thin hourglass and saw his chest was triple large with breasts that are fairly huge his hands and legs slem and turn feminine and turn into a pair of girl hands his jean jack shrinks as does his hellfire shirt and they turns into a low cut crop top revealing his midriff and the sleeves of his shirt turn short his jeans start tighting around his now feminine legs and curvy hips, he saw his shoes were the still the same and his girly hand reaches his small neck and a "E" necklace and bracelet appear on them his had his name carved on the back of his belt he looks at his reflection in shock and disbelief he blinks before turning around and face dustin. Oh gods I now have the girly body of a hot chick! He shouts out in shock, fear and pointing himself with his fingers. Eddie: this just feel so wrong and humiliating. He puts his hands on his crotch and finds out his private arrow gone. Then he screams in shock and suprised as he saw that dustin's new From as red smoke fades aways. Dustin: I'm the grundle king from mlp movie 1986? He had turn into the grundle king from mlp movie 1986 he starts to jump and snapped and laughed. Eddie looks at his body in shock, he and dustin couldn't face the others like this and does not like his new girl body so he turns to the fridge, puts his hands inside and starts looking his way through it and starts searching for another cure to help him dustin and turn back to their normal selfs. Eddie: There's got to be another cure to this I can't let the others see me and dustin like this. He looks up at the top before bending down and looks around at the bottom he opens drawers and looks up to see a yellow liquid in side of a test tube at he looks and throws it away thinking it won't help, he then sees a turquoise substance in a flask he looks at it. Eddie: this looks good enough. Then he turns around and splashes a bit of it into dustin's mouth who drinks it. Then eddie flips his head back and drank the whole thing into his mouth and emptying the flask, he throws it away behind him and it smashed on the wall window. But then his stomach begins to growl louder and hunches over " man what is this pain I'm feeling?" Suddenly he flings upward as his female arm grows big with a huge bicep and his hand turns manly, his right arm grows another huge bicep as his other hand turns manly too along with his large breasts deflate and turn into huge pecs, his leg than blows up with muscle he then feels a ten pack on his stomach and his right leg explodes with muscle too and his shirt turns into a black tank top as does his jean jacket. Dustin's body then spams and spins out of control with thick red smoke appearing and turns back into a human but he had white hair and glasses. Eddie: check me out man! I'm super buff! Eddie chuckles in a deep voice and look at himself in mirror of the fridge catching sight of his body, dustin then grabs his head and stops the spamming in it he clears his and speaks in a clear British accent. Dustin oh my god, it seems as if I've become incredibly intelligent. He then grabs two flasks of potions and begins creating an antidote as eddie looks at his reflection on the fridge's mirror and flexs his new muscles. Dustin it's just awful! I long for the way of my ignorance of my former self. Hanging out with friends,showering at home, and eating my mother's good food oh those were wonderful times! Eddie in the meantime was flexing his arm and kiss his becip and than stretches out and smacks his butt, he looks at dustin with a smile. Eddie: check ou my pecs and biceps dustin! He held his arms out show the kid his arms with a groan and a stretching sound. Dustin hush now, my dear buffon friend this thing is a highly combustible synthesis. Dust then pours liquids of the potions on each other and shakes them faster. Eddie confused at hearing this answers. Eddie: a what meaning of that? Dustin then pour some light blue subtances in a flask and it turns green and smoke flys out of the top and it bubbles. Dustin I'm going to transform us back to the way we were! Eddie shock of hearing this garbs the green flask from dustin's hand while he had the other in his other hand. Eddie: no way in hell geek! Dustin: huh?! What are you- Eddie: I'm Gonna stay this way forever!!! With that he threw the green flask at the window and dustin screams in panic as he shelds himself from the blast. Dustin: Noooooo! And then boom! The potions explodes with the window shattering it as the blast sends eddie and dustin into the wall and it closes the fridge, sparks fly everywhere until it ends with a big boom. At the creel house steve, nancy, and robin were outside looking at door readey to go in when suddenly they felt a shake and hear a very loud explosion from the distance. Steve: What The Hell was that? Nancy: I don't know but that sounded like trouble. Robin: well whatever it was it's over now come on let's go in. Back at the lab smoke was everywhere as it clears there's a huge hole in the place of window and than dustin coughs a bit. Dustin: you dump Schwarzenegger oaf you almost destroyed us both! He then face eddie with an annoying glare as he pulls himself from the wall then he laughs stupidly at the explosion. Eddie: HA ha! Whoo! Go Kaboom! Ha ha ha! Do it again Do it Again! Dustin rolls his eyes in annoyance. Dustin: oh you are such an embarrassment. He threw some of the antidote on eddie's face and swallows and then pulls from the wall leaving a shape of his muscular body and holds his stomach in pain and dustin drinks the rest of it before throwing the flask away then his head bubbled and starts shaking his body around until his hair returns to its normal color and his glasses come off and vanished in red smoke. Eddue in the meantime holds his head spams uncontrollably and sticks it out as red smoke goes to his body as his pecs biceps and leg muscles desínflate and his clothes turn back to normal. Eddie moans, covering his mouth with his one hand feeling like he'll throw up having his body spin around uncontrollably he shook his head then looked at dustin "wow that was weird, strange and disturbing but a pain is what i feel here."He talks with his normal voice as he hold his head in pain. Dustin: man that felt werid drinking those potions they turned us into weird things and we almost felt a litte but of ourselves, but i did invented a potion. Eddie: yeah but look the explosive made a hole on the wall of the window we can see the outside now. He and Dustin look and saw that the explosion created a hole on the wall of the window dustin's eyes grow big and dropped his jaw at the seeing the gigantic hole. Dustin: H.. How The Hell did that appear?! Eddie: don't know but at least i can show the pictures on the wall. Dustin: what pictures? Eddie confused looks at the top of the destroyed wall and saw the drawings he saw from before were burned up. Eddie: damn they must've been catch on the fire of the explosion. Dustin: well whatever drawings thoses were there gone now. Eddie: Yeah Come on let's get back to the trailer park and get for vecna's bats. Dustin: Right. With that said Eddie and Dustin run to the elevator as it comes back up and opens it's door the two got in and head back down. Dustin: hey let's bot tell the others about this. Eddie: right they laugh there butts off when they find what we been through. * Hope you guys liked and i how to hear more from you so i can write more stories to share with you all follow my account and give this story a like and give out a good comment about it. See ya! 😁

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