9. Jealousy and Need

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, that's the plan my friend and you'll get to enjoy free tributes offered to the beauty of your friend."

"You are something Jimin....." Taehyung chuckled.

"I know right......"


"Why you did that?" Jk questioned folding his arms on his chest, and resting his back in n the glass wall of Dr.Jeon's workstation.

"Did what?" Dr.Jeon tried to sound unsure.

"Humiliate Taehyung, why you did that when his proposal was good enough to work on."

"It wasn't. There was a reason I did so. He needs to do better, he is distracted all the time by unnecessary matters."

"You and I both know that he did his best, at the level he is at. And what might be those distractions?"

"Why are you speaking in his defense? Why does it bother you?" Dr. Jeon furrowed his eyebrows.

"It bothers me because you did that without a valid reason, that kid did not deserve that. If you can't appreciate then at least don't humiliate him in front of the whole staff."

"It's not your place to speak JK. You think I don't know that you are around him on any chance you get."

"Oh so is that jealousy? I was right..... You have a liking for that boy. Don't you?"

"I am not jealous and I don't like him. He is a naïve kid who needs to focus on his work."

"Come on Jeon, you and I are the same. Do you think I don't know what you feel? I can see him from your eyes too. I can feel him from your heart too. Really? Now, you are gonna lie to yourself too huh?"

"I am not lying and why are you so worked up for him."

"Look Jeon, that kid has a good heart. Although you created me a machine he doesn't see me as one. He thinks of me as a human. Do you think he deserves humiliation for something that is not his fault but yours? Your jealousy."

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?"

"I know what you feel when you see him laughing with others even me. I am the other you and you can't stand it either."

"You are not me you are physically independent. We might be attached emotionally but we have our own physical identities."

"So, that's what it is... You are scared that he will prefer me over you?"

"You are being ridiculous you know. He is just an intern for me who isn't focusing on his work as he must."

"Okay, whatever makes you sleep at night. Keep in mind that he considers you his role model and by doing this you are degrading your image." Jk said leaving a confused Dr. Jeon behind.

The truth was that Taehyung's face was stuck with him since their mentoring session and his idea too. Dr. Jeon was amazed by how logically Taehyung's brain worked. How defined his ideas and the beliefs behind them were also well shaped. It was the reason that Dr.Jeon resettled Taehyung to work in his lab when he was already selected for another one.

Dr.Jeon wanted to work with him desperately. It was something to do with his pride. How can he easily accept that Taehyung maybe becomes a better name in robotics one day? Because he has this potential. Dr. Jeon was confused by his feelings. Does he want Taehyung close to himself? Or will he be okay if Taehyung surpasses him? Will his pride let him be okay with it? Was he ready to support the younger? Or there was some other reason, that he wanted the boy's tension all to himself like he was used to getting everyone's attention in the room.

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