Maria Hill left her debriefing with the now reinstated Director Fury, she was beyond furious at how she was treated in there.
It wasn't all her fault that the Superior Spider-Man got as far as he did, the heroes didn't follow up on their initial testing and when things started going south they didn't even try to figure out the problem for themselves, just jumped the gun and labelled him a threat.
She may not have done everything she could have to figure out the situation but her job was to keep the world safe from any large, world ending threats. Like an invasion or HYDRA... not some street level hero who lost his mind.
Walking out of the briefing room the door closed behind her, the slight hiss as the automatic door closed being the only indication it locked.
She then met eyes with the brown haired agent who would be taking her place in procuring technology and contracts from Parker Industries.
"Teresa Durand." Hill spoke without emotion.
"Agent Hill." Teresa responded coldly.
"Director Fury will see you now, go right on it." She relayed Fury's order.
Teresa said nothing as she walked past Maria, entering the briefing room so she can be informed of her latest task. Maria however have her an annoyed look as she passed her, and her eyes followed her into the briefing until once again the door was closed after Teresa entered.
"Director Fury. You wished to see me." Teresa spoke respectfully to her superior.
"Yes Agent Durand, I did. Tomorrow you will head to Parker Industries and speak to their CEO about potentially partner with SHIELD and loaning out their tech for our agents." He briefed her.
Teresa's eyed widened slightly after hearing that name. "P-Parker Industries. Sir... may I ask, why me?" She questioned.
"I think we both know the reason for that, agent." Fury said knowingly.
Teresa did in face know, but she still felt uncomfortable about it. It felt like a betrayal if she went forward with her mission, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause any more strife.
"Sir... would you please reconsider?" Teresa asked, almost sounding like she was begging.
"No. I'm sorry but I feel a contract with Parker Industries is vital... and I think you are our best shot at attaining it. I understand your hesitancy, but the reason for your hesitance is the same reason why I chose you." Fury denied her request.
Teresa accepted that answer from him, she was never one to question an order or her superiors more than what was necessary. So if he was dead set on her undertaking this task then she was going to do it, she may not like it but she hoped that regardless of how the meeting transpired that they both understood that this was professional... not personal.
"Understood Sir. I'll head to Parker Industries first thing tomorrow morning." Teresa repeated her mission objective before being dismissed.
Back with Peter, he and the girls got settled down after their confrontation with Hill and her SHIELD agents. They got a bite to eat and conversed casually with one another until they found something to do.
"So, what has been going on with you guys?" Peter asked Hope, Kamala and Anya.
"Well I've been training and homing my powers. Ever since the Phoenix incident with the Phoenix Five I've been trying to get a handle on them and focusing it. The last thing I want to happen is for me to lose control over myself." Hope answered first.
"That's really good Hope. I'm glad you're taking the time to get a hold of your powers, that Phoenix incident was really bad but at least you came out of it a stronger hero and a stronger person." Peter consoled.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.