ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕖𝕟

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Where did you meet him?" he asks.

I don't respond. This is exactly what I was afraid of. This is exactly why I hate relationships.

"No strings attached, remember?"

"So, that means you get to sleep with other people?" he yells. 

"That's literally what no strings attached is."

He lets out a deep breath. "When's the last time you slept with him?"

"The day my Mom slapped me."

"He's the one who gave you the hickey." 

Kol's knuckles turn white as he grips the steering wheel hard.

"What are we even doing, Kol? You want a relationship and I just want to fuck you," I say.

It's time to stop sugarcoating it.

"Are we going to fuck or not? Because if not, then it's time to put us both of our misery."

"I-I thought maybe I could change your mind," he whispers. "Maybe you would--"

I smile bitterly. "We can't be around each other anymore, Kol."

"I know."


"I knew it wouldn't work," Charlotte says.

The red-headed girl from my Art class who gave me my pencil. I ended up sitting next to her and we got to know each other. She was pretty cool.

Angela applies some blush to her cheeks.

"What time is it, Char?" Angela asks.

"Couple minutes to 4," she replies.

"Leo is going to be here any minute," Angela says and furiously starts applying more makeup.

Leo is Angela's new little crush.

She listened to me and went up to him. But instead of admitting her feelings, she asked to be "study buddies"

Fucking study buddies.

"You do know you're only going to study, right? Why are you putting on ten pounds of makeup," I ask.

Angela glares at me and goes back to her makeup. She carefully puts on her lashes and flares them up with mascara. 

"You look perfect, Angela," I say.

"If anything, Leo will stop studying the law of the world and start studying the law of your body," Charlotte chimes in.

"And you could learn the law of his dick," I add on.

We all laugh and then Angela gets out of her chair. She grabs a random French perfume and sprays it on all her nooks and crannies.

"How are you doing, Maya? You know, with the whole ending things with Kol," Charlotte asks.

"You make it sound like we were in a relationship."

"You didn't kiss. You didn't have sex. All you did was sit down and get to know each other. You were basically in a talking stage," Angela retorts.

It's my turn to glare at her.

"I hope Leo turns out gay."

Angela gasps and throws a pillow at me.

Someone knocks on the door. 

"That's him!" Angela yells.

"Your door is not made of mahogany," Charlotte says.

Angela adjusts her hair once more and then rushes to the door.

My Greatest EscapeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ