Chapter 11

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Peter swung back to Parker Industries after he met up with Yuri, or rather Wraith, as she liked to be called when she was wearing the prototype suit.

He only left due to seeing the explosion and thought that it might have been one of his villains at play, which it was of course, but upon arrival he saw that Yuri had jumped into action and handled things perfectly.

So now that that was taken care of he had no reason to go out patrolling like he usually would. He was trying to dedicate more of his time to being Peter Parker and running his business and only donning his suit once again if it was a serious matter that required him to act, or if it was one of his villains causing the damage. He felt responsible for his villains and would personally handle any situation involving them but that was about it.

Casting aside those previous thoughts Peter felt such joy when he saw Yuri again and how she seemed to be doing with his suit, given how she handled Rhino like a pro he was very chuffed with himself for that brilliant idea of lending it to her. He would need to schedule some sort of maintenance check and collect all the data from her usage to see where there was room for improvements.

He hadn't been gone that long, maybe an hour or so, so it was unlikely that the girls had woken up and discovered he wasn't there anymore. And although the chance that they had woken up would cause him to swing back to them double time, he wanted to enjoy this moment he had web swinging again. After all it had been some time since he had either donned his classic red and blues or went web slinging.

When he reached the outside of the large building he clung to the wall and started his ascent back to the level where his office was located, but when he was just about to enter through the secret hatch that was specially designed for his coming and goings as Spider-Man, he witnessed what looked like an altercation going on in his office room.

He moved off to the side and pulled up the security footage on his phone, ignoring the missed calls he'd received from the receptionist, and inside his office he saw Laura, Hope, Kamala and Anya standing at the ready facing three individuals who were carrying guns.

Laura has her claws extended and took a low stance like she was feral and ready to pounce, Kamala enlarged her fists and ready to throw hands with the intruders, Hope had generated some kind of purple energy that swirled around her hands as her eyes glowed in a similar colour, and finally Anya had also taken up a fighting stance alongside Kamala.

He turned on the audio for the footage and listened to what was going on inside as he quickly recognised not only one of the individuals in the room but the insignia that they all wore on their uniforms.

"Where is Mr Parker?" The woman strode forward demanding an answer to her question.

"What's it to you lot anyway?" Laura growled at her.

"We have some business to discuss." She responded to the mutant. The response was a surprise to Peter as he knew he had no business to discuss with 'them'.

"We're not telling you anything." Shouted Hope as the powerful glow in her eyes intensified and the purple energy started to emanate an aura around her.

The two other individuals raised their weapons ready to fire when ready only for the woman to raise her hand for them to stow their weapons, if only for the moment.

"I'm not leaving until I've met with Mr Parker. So either tell me were he is or how to get into contact with him. Now." She ordered the group of girls.

Peter thought the things were heating up a bit too much and went to intervene, but he didn't want to reveal his identity as Spider-Man to them as the secret hatch led right to the middle of the office, so he had to rush up to the roof and make his way back down to his office before all he'll broke loose.

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