How Love Blossomed

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Dino's POV

Me and my friends were walking around the town. It was 2:00 AM and we had just left a convenience store and were making our way to the park. "Hey, why don't we cut through there?" Changkyun asked as he pointed at an alleyway in the distance. "Why would we you fucking psycho?" Seungmin said as he walked away from the alley. "You know what this reminds me of?" Felix asked.

"What? What could that creepy ass alleyway possibly remind you of?!"Seungmin sneered at the older man as he cuddled closer to me. "A horror movie." The older one responded. "Well that's just great!" Seungmin said sarcasm lacing his voice. "Don't be such a sour puss." Jisung said as Chenle gave him his bike before they waved the group bye and pedaled away.

"You know what fine I'll go through your creepy alley but if I die I'm haunting all of you. Minus Dino, he's nice to me at least."Seungmin said as he glared at the others while still hugging me. "Of course Hyung. I wouldn't put it against you." Jeongin said as he grabbed Felix's hand and went towards the alley.

We were entering the alleyway and Felix, Changkyun and Jeongin were walking backwards to have a 'proper' conversation. We were walking when all of a sudden a man appeared and grabbed Felix by the shoulder. "Please you have to help me." The man yelled, pushing his way through Felix and onto the ground, bowing as if we were Gods. I looked at the others to see they looked just as shocked as I was.

We had no time to ask questions though because the man got up and ran back down the alley. "You do realize we have to go down that way right?" Seungmin asked as he walked to Felix and rubbed his shoulder where the man grabbed him at.

Author POV

"Shit. Oh never say that Dino. okay?" Felix said as he turned to the boy who was too busy staring at the night sky to hear what happened. "Huh did you call me Hyung?" Dino asked as he looked back at Felix.

"Nevermind. Let's just get home okay?" Felix said as he took Dino's hand into his and the other three held onto each other. "Okay Hyung!" Dino said as he skipped alongside Felix who couldn't help but smile at the younger's cuteness. They had almost reached the end of the alleyway when they noticed the man from earlier kneeling on the ground in front of 12 other people.

"Just pass by then don't acknowledge it okay?" Felix whispered to the other boys while tightening his grip on Dino's hand. "Okay Hyung." They responded and continued walking towards the end of the alley. Though things didn't always go according to plan. When they grew closer to the people the man on the ground looked towards them and seemed happy. "Boys please help me! You have to please!"

The man begged while falling to the ground in front of them. Upon none of the boys moving the man took things into his own hands and grabbed Dino's shirt and pulled him closer. Burying his face in the young boy's stomach the man continues to sob and beg for help. "Let my friend go, you hobo!" Seungmin sneered at the old man while trying to pull him off knowing that he can't hit the man due to the possibility of Dino getting hurt.

Dino was absolutely petrified. He was being held by a random man who was currently hugging his waist and crying into his stomach. Said man had managed to stuff his head under the boy's shirt so his friends couldn't exactly smack him in the head. And they were being watched by a bunch of people who seemed really interested in how they knew the man.

Tears welled up in the boy's eyes when he realized that due to the position the man had him in, his friends couldn't possibly get the man away without harming him somehow. "Oh no Channie Baby don't cry!" Felix yelled as he saw the tears in the boy's eyes.

Suddenly the man pushed himself further into Dino causing Dino to fall backwards and onto the ground. Changkyun luckily caught Chan before he hit the ground and laid him down on the ground gently. Dino on the other hand couldn't take it anymore and started crying from fear and desperation.

Dino x SeventeenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ