She immediately went to grab the little puppy. "Oh my gosh! Is it a boy or girl?"

"A boy. He was born a few weeks ago, he's the last pup. The runt of the litter."

She held the little, shiny, black dog close to her as it licked her face and made little noises.

Nef looked up from the dog to Atticus with a huge grin. "I shall name him Runt."

Aisha and Atticus burst into laughter.

"I guess that is a fitting name," Atticus said perplexed.

"It quite is. I am going to show him off to my sisters. They will be very jealous that you brought me a gift and not them."

Atticus immediately side stepped in front of Nef before she could walk out. He had a very alarmed look on his face.

"I may not have had sisters growing up, but even I know that that will get me into a lot of trouble. How about you show them the gift after I've acquired some lovely gifts for them as well?"

Nef pondered for a moment. "Hmm."

"Please? I shall be indebted to you for the duration of your visit."

"The duration?" She paused, "You have a deal." She shook his hand, then left through the doors. Leaving an amused Atticus.

"She's quite the little firecracker. Reminds me of another Mardalian Princess I know."

Aisha smirked at him. "Quite, you have to teach them young," she giggles, "And you shall have your hands full coming up with gifts for my sisters in law. Olori will expect nothing less than the finest of whatever you have to offer. She will not be so easily amused by a dog, as Nef was."

"Well, I have certainly placed myself in a predicament."

"You certainly have." She said pointedly with sass.

He smiles. "Well, this will give us a perfect chance to go into town."


"Yes. I shall need your help finding gifts. Four women is a lot to juggle and you know them so well," he paused before asking sheepishly, "Please assist me."

Aisha giggled as she nodded her head. "I will help you."

"I could arrange a horse and carriage into town. If we're tactful we can be back to the castle before your family notices."

"Trust they've already noticed our absence. They have been eager to meet you, but I'm sure gifts shall help them forget." She says with an amused glint in her eyes.

"Then we must hurry."

He turned to speak to a guard standing outside of Aisha's room. "Please have a horse and carriage brought around front for us, quickly."

The guard nodded his head and ran off.

"Grab a coat, you will get chilly."

Aisha smiled, as if she could forget how cold Pantoran was.

Atticus lead them out of the room, past the commotion that was starting to die down in the halls, and out of the castle.

They descended down the stairs as the sound of the horse and carriage made its way towards them. The guard he sent, sitting next to the driver.

Atticus opens the carriage door for Aisha before the driver can.

"No worries. I shall take care of the princess."

"Yes your majesty."

Atticus extends his hand to her to grab onto, as she climbs into the slightly warmer carriage.

Princess of MardaliaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang