Kim Minju

204 7 0

Third Person Pov:

"y/n?" "minju.." "huh? what's wrong? what happened?" "can i come over?" "the doors open" You drove over, parking the car, composing yourself before walking in. "it's near midnight, what happened? we finished shooting at 9"

"we argued and we broke up" Minju gasped in surprise, "you what?! but you guys were just fine yesterday when you called her- but why? what?" "something about there not being enough time to see each other"

"but wouldn't she expect that? she's an idol, apart of blackpink for gods sake! you're a famous singer, influencer and actor. Why didn't she consider that in the beginning?" shaking your head with a shrug you replied.

"i have no idea, i don't know. it hurts but it like- hurts to the point where it doesn't really hurt?" "numbing?" "possibly? it's like- maybe it hasn't fully soaked in yet, it like doesn't hurt that much right now, but my heart like is physically hurting."

Minju sighed, placing her hand on your back before asking, "would you like some ramen?" you laughed a bit, "i'm okay. hows chaewon and stuff?" "yuri, yena and chaewon are actually coming over soon. you should say hi!"

You nodded, "sure, why not- wait am i just gonna be 5th wheeling?" you asked as she shrugged. "maybe, but you can rant about rosé, we'll listen and give you great advice" "pft. great advice from yena and yuri?"

"they're not bad actually!" "you're defending yuri and yena!? wow this is not the minju i know" "hey" she laugh, shoving your shoulder. You chuckled, "i really hope i can enjoy tonight"

"oh! how about this?" "hm?" "we call sakura unnie over too, she's your type right?" "i'm not ready for anything new, i just got broken up with you idiot. maybe in the future? i don't know. I'll let life guide me the path it wants me to go"

"we can call sakura unnie so there's someone for you to hang out with, you guys are friends right?" "we've hung out a few times, yeah" "okay, great" "but no romance." "no romance, got it"

Well, let's just hope we can have fun tonight, without thinking too much about her.

Under The Mask [Rosé x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя