The three were so immersed that they didn't realise that a fight had begun until they heard the screams, the three turned around and saw Malfoy and Adrian grappling on the floor, Ron and Neville were trying to hold back Crabbe and Goyle while Millicent Bulstrode had Hermione Granger in a head lock.

"How the hell did this happen?" Daphne asked

"Now is not the time to wonder how it happened" Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulder and another arm around Rose's shoulders. "Just enjoy the chaos"

Later, Adrian sat with Hermione and Ron and the other Gryffindor's in the common room.

"At least you got a few good punches in on Malfoy" Ron commented

"Yeah" Adrian smiled for a second "by the way, do you guys know what Snape was on about when he talked about those Japanese war duels or whatever they were called?"

"Japanese's war duels" Angelina Johnson spoke "are a special event in Japan. Basically it's a duelling tournament, your brother probably entered the underage version"

"Yeah, but so what? He just won a stupid tournament"

"I agree with Aiden" Hermione said "it's impressive that he won but why is everyone treating him like he did something more?"

"Because the war duels are not like other duels" Katie Bell replied "in a war duel the only rule is that nobody can interfere, apart from that it is anything goes and you can use any weapon or spell that you want. Including the unforgivable."

"What?!" Ron gasped "they can use the unforgivables?!"

"Yeah" Fred nodded "it's allowed for the tournament"

"Plus the Japanese are very different from us" George added

"What does that mean?" Adrian asked curiously

"They teach a lot of offensive spells when they're young" Fred explained

"Yeah" George nodded "they probably know a few curses that we would consider dark, that means that Harry was probably in a duelling tournament with a bunch of little Japanese kids that were probably trying to kill him."

"So he probably could've died in that tournament or at least be incredibly injured"

"I believe that the last person who entered in one from England had lost his leg"

"So if he won and didn't at least get injured then he's probably an incredibly good duellist"

"He can't be that good" Adrian replied unbelievingly

"Adrian, he blocked you with a protego shield" Katie Bell reminded him "that's too advanced for second years. Plus he swatted your spell away"

"I can't even do that" Angelina Johnson pointed out "oi, Oliver, can you do that?"

"No" Oliver wood shook his head "they don't even try and teach us that until seventh year"

"So how the bloody hell did Harry learn it then?!" Adrian demanded

"Language" Hermione scolded "and I don't know. But like I've been saying, there's something off about your brother. Every time we learn a new spell he does it on the first go"

"First go" Katie Bell blinked "it usually takes at least two or three tries to perform a spell after you have all the wand movements and incantation down"

"He doesn't use the incantations" Ron said "he never says the spells"

"You mean he does all of his spells non-verbally?!" Oliver wood blurted out in shock

I'm not a heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें