Season 4 Chapter 75 Ignis Vulcanus

Start from the beginning

They had heard in Rivira that the hunting party pursuing Gale Wind had been on their way to the twenty-seventh floor. Encountering this Irregular made Ahnya anxious. The face of her elven coworker rose in her mind as she urged the others on.

Lunoire: That's all well and good, but...this whole place is in shambles! There's nowhere for us to walk! What do we do?!

Lunoire asked, frowning. Bella tapped the back of her staff against her shoulder as she answered.

Bella: Looks like our only option is to descend this cliff face.

Milo and Melo: What? You're not serious...?

Milo and Melo stuck their tongue out in dismay.

Sumela: There aren't any monsters in the cavern now!

Susora: I agree. As long as they're not pestering us, we can do it!

Anya: older brother managed to go down all by himself! If he can, we can~nya! A-at least, I think so!

Sumela and Susora'c convincing and Anya's unconvincing argument echoed hollowly across the cavern.

Lunoire: Oh, damn it all, guess we're going for it!

Lunoire finally said. The party all nodded at one another and leaned boldly forward. Pushing through the hot steam, they stepped off the cliff's edge. Without using their hands, they raced straight down the near-vertical slope. Whenever the rocks began to noisily slip out from underneath their feet, they jabbed their weapons deep into the cliff face to support themselves.

 Whenever the rocks began to noisily slip out from underneath their feet, they jabbed their weapons deep into the cliff face to support themselves

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Lemia: Let's go!

Everyone: Yeah!

Although they nearly fell countless times, the advancing line of adventurers held one another up, heading for the twenty-sixth floor.


Welf: Shit!!

Welf's spare longsword sliced a merman in half. But even as the bisected half-fish monster died, a new merman crushed its corpse underfoot in pursuit of the smith and the swordswoman, who responded with more curses.

Welf: Is this a joke?

Mikoto: They're endless!

Ouka: These numbers aren't normal!

Chigusa: They're coming from the s-sides and behind us, too!

Ouka and Chigusa returned his shout. The party was currently on the twenty-sixth floor. Having narrowly escaped the crumbling cavern, they were now facing one battle after the next. They encountered an unending stream of monsters. It was possible that due to the unprecedented destruction on the twenty-fifth floor, which had thrown the interior maze into chaos, the monsters seemed to have grown more sensitive to the presence of invaders.

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