Chapter 1: Am i dreaming?

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Giyuus POV
Ever since nee San died I wasn't the same. I ran away because people thought I was crazy and mentally ill.

I wasn't crazy though a demon killed my sister and I know that someone believes me wether it's someone I can trust or someone I can't someone definitely believes me because there's no way I imagined that. It was all to real to say it was a dream.

After a while of running I got tired I slowed down.
I felt like I couldn't move anymore I could barely breath it hurt to do anything. I was scared I had no protection and there was no one around for at least and hour or two.

A figure appeared in the shadows I didn't have a clue who it could be I just thought to accept my fate because it was obvious I was gonna die.

But I didn't die it was a man he said he would take care of me protect me and make sure nothing happened to me.

When I was found by my master sakonji urokodaki I felt something that I hadn't felt in a while wether it was comfort or love ( Father son love do not think I ship them that is gross)it still felt good and what made it even better was when I met his other student Sabito which happened to be very attractive he was also very nice.

When urokodaki wasn't training us me and Sabito would go to the lake and hang out I started to develop feelings for him the more I hung out with him I didn't know what to do I didn't wanna mess anything up me and him are best friends and i don't know what I would do if he hated me I didn't wanna think about it because it was a sad thought that I wouldn't let happen I won't let anything happen to him.

Even though I said I wouldn't let anything happen I knew deep down that I couldnt protect him hell I could barely protect myself but I was willing to risk my life for him at the time I thought we would be together forever well that was just a lie I told myself to make me happy I knew that he wouldn't always be there and since he was stronger than me I had only a little hope that he would live until I died I wanted to die with him because at the time I felt I couldn't live without him.

Now I'm 21 a hashira and have literally no one who likes me no friends and no on to love except for maybe two people the kamado siblings he and his sister have been through a lot and its my fault it was my fault his family died because I was to late to save them so now whenever I see them I feel guilt.

I'm heading on a mission to mt***** it's said to be a strong demon and since they've already sent a lot of mizunoto and kanoe and none of them returned they requested a hashira apparently there are two of them. I hope that whatever the demons can do is really weak.

When I got to the mountain I immediately saw a lot of slayers running towards me at least 15 to 20 they all looked horrible they were all bloody and they looked really scared I asked them what happened and they told me about the demon how one had peach hair and a scar on his face and one was really big and was green and it's blood demon art was like slime or goo from what they told me the peach haired one never attacked them they just sat there watching the green demon fight it was either they were really weak or were waiting for the right time to attack they told me where to find the demons and when I got there I started to realize what the description of the first demon was.

It sounded like it could be Sabito but there was no way I mean he's dead he died right in front of me so there's no way he's alive is what I didn't want to believe I wanted Sabito to be alive I needed him to be alive though my face isn't showing it I'm quite curious to see if what the description is was who I'm thinking of.

After a few minutes of looking for the demons I found them the description was perfect.

There was a big green one and one with peach hair and a scar I didn't believe it at first but when I got a closer look I couldn't even say I was dreaming I was taken from my thoughts when all of a sudden the green demon attacked me it said it's name was moruto and the peach demon said not a word they were staring at me I could feel it.

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