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(Ashi Ross in this top pic)

Yep, you heard that right!

Over this year, I have created myself a system that basically lets me be a part time dancer for free.

And before you make assumptions, NO I do not do this at a dance school and no dance school charges me for free! This is all done...... AT HOME!

And you're probably like 'that's crazy' and 'that's not part time dancing' and I can admit, it's not, but you can get the same benefits that those dancers get with my easy system.

I have already started to do this and the improvement is noticeable!

So here's what I do to become a part time dancer AT HOME!!!!!

Step 1: Scheduele

This refers to the time, location and what you do in that time!

Location: A good location to do it is a big amount of space in your house that is preferably hard floored. I clean out the kids lounge room and use that space. You can also ask your parents to add mirrors to the walls of that room to make it a whole lot better, but don't expect them to say yes. And if you have a dance room, you'd better use that.

Time: set up a time after school when you don't have dance or you have a lot of free time before dance. If you dance only one day a week, use the dance room every other day. Even if you have dance that day, it's good to have a dance beforehand to make yourself warm and to go over class choreography. A good time would be straight after doing your homework, because then all of the big work is done. This time slot will also get you to do your homework! Make it a scheduled time like 6:00 or 5:30 whatever works for you.

What you do in that time: You need to treat this time like an actual dance class, but more intense. This is an amazing opportunity as you won't have other classmates to pull you down or to make you pull muscles. This is a great way to self improve and to do the class your own way without having instructions from the teacher. You can also work harder on those areas you really need to improve on e.g strength, flexibility, turns, e.t.c

My kind of system is listed like this:







-revision of class dances

-outside: acro tricks

And this goes on from straight after school!

You don't have to do too much, I just really like to work on everything so that I can see improvement in all of my dancing. It's also good to self improve by yourself as you won't have the pressure of others and you can make it harder.

Another great idea is to do online classes, especially on those days when you don't have a lot of time or you have a really big assignment! A good youtube channel to look at is Mather Dance Company and KBM Talent. Also it's cool to learn dances you see other dancers do like e.g on dance moms. You can pause it and learn what they do. It's also a good way to expand your dance ability and can help you learn more moves and tricks for improvisation!

Equipment: don't waste your money on equipment you don't necessarily need, you can make your own with things around the house:

Stretch Blocks: chairs, books, tables

Foot Stretcher: bottom of couch, piece of wood and Thera Band

Stretch Band/Flexi Stretcher: Friend or sibling

turn board: tap shoes

knee pad: pillow

ballet bar: wall, door handle/drawer handle, e.t.c

My extra tip is to take this schedule seriously! Go by it like you HAVE to! If you really want to improve without having to pay money, this will work!

Treat this like a really hard masterclass! Improve yourself without the pressure of others staring at you, judging your every move!

You will start to see results straight away, trust me!

So this is how you can become a part time dancer at home!

I really hoped you liked this one!

Please comment if you've tried this!

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Until next time

Stay pretty

Alana xoxoxoxoxoxox

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