Peter swung away from the scene as his mind fell back on the day he reached out to Yuri as Peter Parker.
He had finished clearing his name as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker when he returned to his position within Parker Industries.
He requested a meeting with Yuri a while after he got comfortably positioned and focused the direction Parker Industries would take now that 'he' was in control.
Anna was confused by the sudden meeting with the police captain but didn't question him on it, only advising him to be careful now that he's back to normal.
As for Yuri, she was just as confused when she got a phone call from Parker Industries CEO Peter Parker looking to have a meeting with her. He didn't specify over the phone what it was he wanted to talk to her about but she opted to accept the meet regardless.
She had never been in the building before and was surprised to see the technological marvel Parker Industries was shaping up to be, her only hope was that it would be on the up and up unlike some of the other technology companies that sold out their morals for a quick buck and ended up churning out some new supervillains to deal with.
When she got into the office she found a single desk stationed across from her and one occupant in the room, a young man with brown hair neck deep in some forms, presumably Peter Parker.
"Mr. Parker?" Yuri questioned as she approached the desk.
"Yes." Peter said looking up to see Yuri standing in front of him. "Oh... Captain Watanabe. You're here." He said slightly surprised.
"You did ask for this meeting, though I have to say... I'm not sure what this is all about or why I'm here, so if you could please shed some light on this." Yuri said, her voice sounding just as firm as he remembered.
"Yes. Sorry about that, I know this is a bit sudden. But I wanted to discuss something with you." He clarified.
"Discuss something? What exactly?" She pressed further.
"I was wondering if you would be interested in trying out some new equipment for us?" He asked her directly.
"Equipment? What kind of equipment?" She asked in turn.
"Improved armour, possible suits, some gadgets that could assist and aid you in taking down criminals or supervillains. That sort of thing." He answered.
Yuri was stunned silent by the offer, was it possible that there was such equipment that could help the NYPD? He seemed very sure of it... like it was a guarantee it would work. Did he make this equipment with the aim of taking down supervillains in mind and wanted to dish it out to the police for proper use?
"I-I'm not sure. Can you guarantee that this equipment will help in taking down criminals, much less supervillains?" She asked him seriously, not wanting to risk the lives of her men just so he could test his little inventions.
"Oh yes. I can assure you Captain that this type of equipment had been... thoroughly tested... with promising results. And that we have even made improvements upon it sense then." He assured with lopsided smile.
Yuri wasn't sure if she could entirely trust his words, and the way he mentioned the equipments testing seemed... off. Did he perform some kind of sick experiment on captured criminals to ensure his technology worked?
"I don't know Mr Parker-" Yuri began.
"Please... just call me Peter." He interrupted.
"Ok... Peter. I'm not sure if I can entrust the lives of my officers with your equipment without some... assurances." She answered him passively.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.