Chapter 1.5 : Getting Ready

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Michaelangelo ran towards his room and looked at it for a while and then shook his head and ran towards the piles of dirty and clean he found the jacket we wanted to wear that was sleeveless the color was green all he needed was his orange shirt and green khaki shorts and white Nike sandals. He smiled and ran towards the bathroom to brush his teeth and walked out with the orange mask in his pocket, Next was Ralph he was in his room looking around already to find his darker green sleeveless jacket on the bed with his Dark Red Shirt, he groaned removing his dirtied clothing and replaced it with new ones he looked into the mirror and rolled his eyes placing his hair into a small pony tail and smirked walking out his room, walking towards the air hockey table "Hey Michaelangelo, wanna play a game." He gestured towards the table having his dark red mask around his neck, Michelangelo jumped up and smiled like goof "Awe Yeah! I am so gonna kick your butt!" He laughed arisingly and placed his hands on the hard red buttons that were in a circle they both glared at each other Mikey holding a goofy and smirking at the lips as Ralph held a smug face. "ready and Go!" Meanwhile Donnie looked around his lab going inside his brown wooden closet grabbing his green sleeveless jacket and his purple short sleeve shirt, and Kanki pants. "Hm, April I finally get to see you now, on a regular basics! I'll be there to help with her homework and many more." He could feel his own heart beat against his chest Mikey whined "Awe you totally cheated yo!" Mikey said with reassurance Ralph laughed and smirked "No I didn't. It isn't my fault you suck, at this!" Mikey jumped over the gaming system and glinted at him and jabbed his finger into Ralph's chest "I am watching you, cheater." Ralph growled and slapped his finger away, along giving him a good whack on the head and walked away as Mikey was in a weird position that left his leg twitching and it gave him a moment to find the word he was searching for "Ow!" He yelped a bit. Ralph smirked and ran back over to Mikey and whispered in his ear "I dare you to steal Leonard's shirt." Mikey shook his head knowing where this was going "Hey! Are you loco homie I ain't getting killed trying to take Leos shirt yo!" Ralph just made a grunting noise of aggregation Mikey held his hands up "Alright Alright I'll do it jeez." He nodded "Now that's what I wanted to hear." Mikey used his stealth mode, he sneak into his room, he looked at his bed seeing the blue shirt laying there "Gotta be steady and silent like an ant." He whispered the himself he looked around first and took the shirt, Leonardo leaned down and whispered loudly in his ear "What do you think your doing?" He narrowed his eyes snatching his shirt back from the surprised Mikey "Dude, I totally just got lost in here." Started to sweat and closed his eyes nervously laughing "You're lying." Leo said dully and sighed he grabbed Mikey by the collar and threw him from his room "And stay out!" Mikey mocked him by making hand motions like a puppet "and stay out." He said with a squeaky voice. After everyone was ready to go to school, Master splinter told them to leave their weapons at home and not to take them to school at all.
Hey guys it's Aira Here! I have no clue why I started writing this. Anyways if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask in the comments, also who is your character, Mines is Michaelangelo a.k.a Mikey, I find him to be so adorable but like he said he is the cute one xD please follow and add to your library! Thanks - Aira

Mikey : Hey dudes! I have this awesome idea!

All : No

Mikey : what if we mix this with this

Donnie : Mikey Stop! You'll destroy it!

Mikey : Yeah Right! Everything I do is for the good!

Ralph : Ouch My brain is hurting from what you are saying Mikey.

Leo ; Mikey Step away from the butto-

Mikey ; *Mixes everything together and it explodes, while pressing a button*

All : *Screams * MIKEYYY

Mikey : *Laughs* "Oops"

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