"You okay, dad?" Amy asks.

"I'm okay, but my eyes..." Ed says.

"It's okay, just keep going. Bee, help for my dad." Amy says as he nod.

"Okay." Annabelle answers.


Outside, Vic comes and over and starts breaking the door down with an axe.


Ed is still reacting to the acid that was sprayed in his eyes while Amy and Annabelle can see clearly even house was dark. Suddenly, a tv starts blasting choir music. Ed, Amy and Annabelle tries to go to the music. He and she keeps walking and he finds the tv playing the music.

Ed, Amy and Annabelle then hear Janet calling out for him to help. Ed then looks around frantically for Janet. He doesn't see her so he starts chanting in Latin while holding out his cross.


Meanwhile outside, Vic is trying to bust the door down. Lorraine, Cindy, Janice and Judy watch him. Lorraine starts running up the stairs. Cindy, Janice, Linda and Judy chases after her.

"What's your name? What's your... What's your name?" Lorraine starts to shout.

"Mom are you ok?" Cindy asks concerned.

"I do know your name. I asked you. And you told me. You told me your name. And I wrote it down." Lorraine says before she starts running again.

Cindy, Janice, Linda and Judy chases after her.

"Mom!" Cindy yells but Lorraine doesn't answer.

Lorraine goes over to the car out front.

"I need my bible!" Lorraine starts to dig through her things to find the Bible.


Inside, Ed, Amy and Annabelle is still walking around speaking in Latin.


Outside, Lorraine found her bible.

"The demon's name gives us power over it." Lorraine tells Peggy. Cindy, Janice, Linda and Judy looks at Lorraine concerned.

"V. A. L. A. K. Valak." Lorraine reads from her bible.

She then runs towards the house.

Suddenly, a strike of lightning strikes a tree and made the tree like a dagger.

"Mom! Are you ok?" Cindy runs over to her mom.

Lorraine looks at the tree and she notices that it's just like her vision. That's what stabbed through Ed and Amy and killed him.

"Oh my God, we have to save them before it's too late." Judy says with a worried as they nod.


Ed and Amy starts walking upstairs trying to find Janet. He walks past the tp tent in the hallway. The music box inside starts to play.

"Keep going, dad!" Amy yells as he nod.

Suddenly, the music stops. Ed looks up and sees the crooked man sitting in front of him.

"Oh my God." Amy says with a shocked as he screams and starts backing away from the tent.

The crooked man then runs into a wall and goes through the ceiling and into another room. He then slams the door in Ed, Annabelle and Amy's face.

"You okay?" Amy asks.

The Warren, The Spirits & The Friends (The Conjuring)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora