The No-Faced Monster

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There's something deep inside of me,

screaming to be fed.

It rips and tears away at me,

it wont stop until I am dead.

I call it No-Face.

It has no face,

no lips, teeth, or eyes.

It's just he urge to die.

In other words,

it's every self destructive urge you can come by.

No-Face visits everyone at least once in their life,

it's when he decides to stay that you must fear for your life.

Its power consumes everyone in different ways.

For me,

its inexplicable sadness.

No-Face then throws anxiety into the pit,

like a baking soda volcano, it begins to fix up.

Finally, with just a touch of negativity,

I suddenly belong to it.

Like all bad entities do,

it pulls the strings to make me do things I don't want to do.

It takes all of my friends and family away,

it makes me suffer every day.

But just as i cant take it anymore,

and don't want to face another day,

it hides deep within my mind.

Just like that,

I'm fine.

Just like that,

I can smile and laugh,

I don't want to die.

Like a sick game,

It'll return another day.

Its goal,

to make me say, "I don't want to see another day."

This is the only way I know how to say,

keep fighting for one more day.

Make a friend,

a savior to help you avoid an end.

Find someone to help you fight away the evil No-Face.

I promise you,

no one wants you to meet your end.

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