Chapter 35// The Brightest Light

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Instinctively, I jumped up high and landed on the Class 1A dorm roof.
Then, all hell broke loose.

I saw a crackle of electricity a distance from where I was standing for a fraction of a second before it multiplied tenfold.

It was so bad that the place started to smell like a giant campfire.
I looked down and saw electricity covering a massive chunck of the forest before feeling another wave of throbbing pain in my head. I've felt pain before. I've gotten head aches and migraines before but this was something else and I don't know what, but every sense in my body screamed danger.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was Kaminari's electricity. This had to have been dangerous for him, using his quirk at all was risky, but to this extent...
I made my way to another part of the roof to see if I could spot Kaminari, but the bright yellow light of the electricity made seeing almost impossible.

The pain I felt in my head got worse, so much that I almost wanted to chop my head off.

I tried to power over it and forced my head up, then in the far distance I saw Mr. Aizawa, running straight towards our direction with Cementos and Present Mic following close behind him.

I saw Mr Aizawa get electrocuted and launched back twice before he and the other teachers stopped trying to run any further.

Even if Mr. Aizawa figured out a way to get to Kaminari, the light coming from his electricity wouldn't allow Mr. Aizawa to properly see him and erase his quirk.

'Think Izuku, Think'

I couldn't see Kaminari, but I noticed how the bright yellow light was less aggressive where Mr. Aizawa and the other teachers where standing, while the spot on the ground where I was a few seconds ago was much brighter.

Going off by this logic, it means that Kaminari would be where the light was the brightest which should be somewhere near me.
'Makes sense, I was talking to him just a few minutes ago'
I looked around for a few seconds more, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head screaming danger.

Eventually I found it, the spot where the light shone the brightest.
I stood by the edge of the roof but then stopped,
'What am I thinking? I can't do this alone, even if I do get to him, how can I make sure that I can stop him from emitting electricity? I need the teachers for this, I need Mr. Aizawa for this'
One problem though.
How the fuck do I get off this roof?


"If that's the case" Mic said "Then how can we get the kids?"
'I DON'T KNOW!' I wanted to yell but didn't. Frustrated, I looked up and sighed. Looking at the dark night sky, I thought of an idea
"Cementos" I said then turned to look at the Cement hero "get us up high"
He didn't stop to question me and just kneeled down, placed his hands on the ground below us before it started to shake, the ground under our feet rose up.

Mic let out a scream and clung to me for a second before I pushed him off.
We were about 40 feet off the ground and no longer surrounded by electricity.

I glanced ahead to see if I can see the 1A dorms, and there it was about a mile ahead. But then I saw a spot of green on the roof

'Don't tell me...'

"Is that Midoriya on the rooftop?" Mic asked, I sighed, mentally face palmed, and looked over to Cementos.

"Do you think you can get us over there?"

"No problem"Cemetos used his quirk to get us closer to the 1A dorms, I kept my eyes on Midoriya, praying to God that he doesn't do anything stupid like jump off the roof.

New chance at life //Denki Kaminari Fanfic (Ft.Kamijirou) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن