Past, Present and Now

Comenzar desde el principio

Coming back to school was hard. But since it was our last day I didn't mind. I stood up grumbling from the lack of warmth my bed provided. Choosing a short-sleeved gray v-neck, a green jacket and black leggings paired with my white converse I was ready. I quickly put on some make-up and placed a black bow in my hair. Perfect.

Lauren's POV:

"Lauren get out of bed, now!" My mom shook me awake and pulled the covers off my body. "Noooo stop Mom." I sighed and pulled the covers up,"five more minutes, just five." After getting away with some extra sleep I threw on a green hoodie, leggings and put my hair in a bun. Not only did I not care about the last day of school but I didn't have any desire to go at all. Mumbling complaints down the stairs I pulled up a chair and started eating my breakfast.

I continued eating as my siblings trampled down the stairs, scarfed up breakfast and jumped in the car only to start yelling at me to hurry up. With a mouthful of eggs I yelled,"IM COMING! SHUT UP YOU LITTLE SHITS!" My mom gave me a disapproving look but I just grabbed my backpack and got into the car.

I started the car and dropped my siblings off then made my way to the huge high school: Miami beach. I entered the building only to find the halls bombarded with balloons. The seniors chanting their graduating class year as they watched everyone try to maneuver through the plastic sacks. Ugh of course, senior pranks.
Once I reached my last class of the day I sat my backpack down and brushed my hair out of my face.

"Hello class! I'm glad to see you back Ms. Jauregui." Mrs. Lovato smiled in my direction, placing the sheets of paper on her desk she continued,"so I have some last minute work for the remaining hour.." The class groaned in response.

"Oh come ON it's coloring sheets." Mrs. Lovato smirked and set out multiple options on the table. I grabbed some markers and took the picture of Scooby Doo and his friends. I colored smoothly and accurately, making sure I didn't mess up.

"Are you really trying Jauregui?" A voice behind me whispered.

"Uh yes I am currently a five star artist. I own my own gallery and I take my work very seriously. So you're kinda too close to me, I'm famous." I tried to be serious but ending up laughing at the end,"Hi Ariana."

Ariana turned to face me and smiled,"Hi." She looked a little nervous for a second and bit her lip,"Lauren?" She asked making sure I was paying attention. "Would you ever you know..wanna go out for coffee sometime?" I looked over and blushed,"Uh yeah, that sounds great! I'd love to." Ariana's face instantly relaxed and she walked away happily.

Camila's POV:

I glanced over at Lauren to see her carefully coloring her picture. "Aw she looks so adorable." I sighed in admiration.

Scrunching my eyebrow up I saw Ariana come over to Lauren. She looked nervous. Wait-now relieved. "Uh yeah, that sounds great! I'd love to." I heard, leaning over to listen to the conversation.

"What was that?" I thought. Brushing the thought away I looked up at the clock.


Everyone cheered,"SUMMER!!!" And ran out of the classroom, desperate to get out of the school as fast as they could. I stayed behind, handing a small flower pot and a letter to Mrs.Lovato.

"For teaching me how to grow. You've been such a great teacher and I hope to see you soon. Have a great summer with Wilmer! I'm so happy for you." I concluded my speech and Mrs.Lovato gave me a huge hug and a thank you.

I finally reached the entrance of the school and walked out triumphantly. Only to be splattered in shaving cream and sprayed with water balloons. "Oh senior I come." I thought.

It was a good year. A hard one. A confusing one. A happy one. But it was good in the end.

After returning home with my siblings I decided to walk to Louise's parlor.

I sat on the old stools and ordered the usual; ice cream sundae with chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles.

"Hi sweetie! Haven't seen you in awhile, I'm glad you stopped by to visit." Louise greeted me cheerfully. Dressed in a black uniform and her wavy blond hair in a ponytail she leaned against the counter slipping me a few gummy bears. "I've gotcha kid." She said with a wink and went off to help another customer.

After demolishing my ice cream I went to cross the street and my heart stopped.

I saw Lauren and Ariana laughing at a table inside the coffee house. Lauren was holding a red rose bouquet while they chatted happily, sipping their coffee occasionally.

I didn't know whether to feel betrayed, sad, angry, upset or accept it.

I decided on angry.

Storming home I threw myself onto my bed and shut the door. I turned on blaring music and shut the world out. I ended up eating a lot that night. Ranging from cake cookies to pizza rolls, I ate away the emptiness Lauren had created. Knowing that this is what I had done to her, I felt disgusted. I wanted to hate Lauren, I wanted to hate her for giving up on us so quickly or not wanting to be with me. But I couldnt. I remained angry at myself. For my past actions and for ultimately losing Lauren.

Lauren's POV:

I smiled at Ariana. She was nice, funny and definitely gorgeous.

Taking a sip of my coffee I looked briefly over across the street. "Wait, is that Camila?" I panicked. I looked closer trying to make out the figure. She seemed to be moving fast. I hope she wasn't upset.

"Lauren? Are you listening?" Ariana questioned trying to meet my eyes.

"Oh sorry, I thought I just saw something weird, so big deal." I assured her and we continued on our date.
"I had a really good time tonight, Lauren." Ariana smiled and looked up at me.

"Me too, sometime again?" I looked down at our intertwines fingers and then pulled away once I reached my house.

"Of course. You know how to reach me." Ariana kissed me on the cheek before she let me go back inside and waved signaling she was leaving.

I sighed and watched her car pull away, "Damnit, Camila." I cursed to myself before trying to sleep and forget about everything that had happened.

Meant to be togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora