The Plain Ride (+ Giyuu's cat.)

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(On the speakers)
"flight 124 is now boarding"

Shinob:"come on guys lets go"
Giyuu: *grabs Sanime's hand and wont let go*
Sanime: "WTF let go Giyuu!!!"
Giyuu: "no"
Mochi: "Meeooww" (This is gonna be a fun plain ride)
Sanime: *Tries to get Giyuu to let go of his hand/wrist* But Giyuu's grip is t strong for Sanime to escape
Shinobu: "Oooow look at those two. there so cute together "
Konroji: "I know right!!!"
Muchiro: "but I thogght that shinobu had a thing for Giyuu"
Shinobu: "No way in hell"
Muchiro: "ok I guess. anyway does anyone know if Tanjiro and his friends are coming on the trip."
Konroji: "Yeah but they will be at the beach tomorrow because they are on a mission. Anyway come on if we don't hurry were gonna miss the plain!!!"
Everyone: let's go!

(Giyuu and Sanime are already on the plain)

Sanime: "Let go of my hand that hurts!"
Giyuu: "Ok sorry the loudness of the group was bothering me so I went ahead."
Sanime: "and why did you take me with you exactly?"
Giyuu: "I didn't want to be alone on a plain."
Mochi: "Meow"! (this is just free entertainment for me!)
(Everyone else boards the plain)
Flight attendant: "Pleas try and find your seat as fast as possible."
Muchiro: "Shinobu do you know where I sit?"
Shinobu: "oh yeah you sit next to Sanime and Giyuu."
Muchiro: "oh ok"
Sanime:" oh or course I have to sit next to emo boy and 14 year old midget boy"
Shinobu: "Stop complaining and just sit down."
Sanime: "Yeah fine just leave me alone and i'll just sleep through the flight."

(Speakers come on and they do the safety things) I don't feel like writing it out so I'm not going to.
Giyuu get the window seat Sanime got the middle and Muchiro got the last seat in the row seat. Shinobu, Mitsery, and Igiro sit behind them. In front of them is Giyome, Rengoku, and tengen.
Muchiro: (Already asleep)
Mochi: (acting like shes asleep)
Giyuu: "How did they fall asleep so fast?"
Sanime: "I don't know but it's weird and almost scary. Anyway Im gonna try and get some sleep now so don't bother me."
Giyuu: "ok"
Sanime falls asleep and ends up half laying on Giyuu and half Laying on his chair
Giyuu: What should I do I cant move and he told me not to bother him. He is kinda...cute when he's sleeping.
Sanime: (slowly slides down his chair and ended up laying in Giyuu' lap.)
Giyuu: Oh shit what do I do now? I need to get him up! well I don't need to.
(Giyuu starts to doze off while trying to think of a way to get Sanime off him and falls asleep in the process)
Shinobu: "hey Mitsery look at Sanime and Giyuu. Aren't they cute?"
Konroji: "omg!!! They are so cute together! But I thought thats Sanime hated Giyuu. Or a least wasn't that fond of him."
Shinobu: "I think his "Hatred" is starting to fade if you know what I mean."
Konroji: "I know right! And it's the cutest thing ever!!!"
Igiro: "What's the big deal? I'm trying to sleep."
Konroji: "Look at Sanime and Giyuu They are cuddling."
Igiro. (takes picture) "Im so gonna teas sanime when we get off the plain."
Mochi: "Meooww" (this has already turned into a classic enemy's to lover drama show)
Flight Attendant lady: "Would you all like some snack's or possibly a meal?"
Shinobu: "Yes please. I would just like a caesar salad."
Igiro: "You got any snake food?" (this being any type of small rodent)
Flight attendant lady: "Umm I can get the caesar salad. But why would you need snake food?"
(kaburamaru slithers out of Igiro's hoody pocket.)
Igiro: "oh yeah this is Kaburamaru my emotional support snake."
Flight Attendant: "emotional support snakes exist?!?!"
Igiro: "yeah they do but they'er uncommon."
Flight Attendant: "well ummm I don't think we have anything for your uuh snake to eat. I very sorry. But I can get the caesar salads for you all."
Shinobu, and Mitsery: T"hat would be great! Thank you."
Flight Attendant: "ok umm I'll be right back with your food."
Misery: "she's probably not coming back. She looked very scared of Kaburamaru."
Shinodu: "yeah most likely. looks like we will have to live without food for a couple more hours."
Igiro: "Yeah whatever. lets get back to Sanime and giyuu because this is funny."

Sanime: wakes up to see Giyuu sleeping right above him and finding himself lying in Giyuu's lap. Shit what and I doing lying on Giyuu?!?!
Igiro: (peak's up in-between the seats) "Looks like somebody is finally awake."
Sanime: "Igiro if you ever say anything about this I swear I will steal you snake and give it to Rengoku."
Rengoku: "I HEARD MY NAME."
Giyuu. (get's startled awake) "Ah did something happen? Oh Sanime when did you wake up?"
Sanime: "like 2 minutes ago of something. and why the fuck was I laying in your lap."
Giyome: "Language Sanime there are children around."
Sanime: "I don't give a shit now Giyuu answer my question."
Giyuu: "uuuuh well you fell asleep then just kinda slid into my lap. I didn't wake you up Because you told me not to bother you so I just kinda left you there and dozed off I guess."
Sanime: "If anything like that ever happends agin wake me up or a least move me ok."
Giyuu: "Umm ok."
Rengoku and Tengen: "THAT WAS SO CUTE"
Sanime: "I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth agin."
Muchiro: (wakes up) "what's happening."
Sanime: "nothing!"
Shinobu: "Guys we'er being really loud people are staring. Either  quiet down or go back to sleep."
Everyone: ok
Sanime: (Lies back down in Giyuu's lap)
Giyuu: "Sanime what are you doing?"
Sanime: "your comfortable now let me sleep."
Giyuu: "ummmm ok I guess."
Konroji: "look at how cute they are !!!"
Shinobu: "I think Sanime is starting to have a little soft spot for Giyuu."
Konroji: "I agree 100%!!!"
(A couple hours later the speakers come on)
"Everyone please put all electronics or any other loose items away and buckle you seat belts."
(Everyone wakes up and does so except Sanime)
Giyuu: "What should I do? he needs to get up. Sanime wake up come on were landing soon."
Sanime: "uuuuh Five more minutes."
Giyuu: "no come on. you have to."
Sanime: "fine."
Shinobu: (wispers to Mitery) "look at the love birds at it agin"
Mitary: "They are so cute together!"
(everyone exits the plane and goes into the sir port lobby"
Author hear agin. sory I keep changing the formatting im trying to find one I like. anyway hope your enjoying the story so far!
I might update it more often or I'll at least try to. anyway have a good morning, afternoon, evening, or night!

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