I groaned trying to finish up these few assignments that I had left to do. Doing this every day did make it a core part of my everyday life schedule. Lucia is most likely at ballet right now, while my parents are doing whatever they do when they're not at work. Living in a small town doesn't help when everyone just wants to have a good status. My parents are very included in wanting that good status. They make sure Lucia and I were 'perfect kids', the kids everyone wished they had. Lucia has it softer than I do, though. The demand of being an ideal role model to a younger sibling weighs a lot. I've understood I will never please my parents, but their angelic baby girl who can do no wrong in their eyes will.
Don't get me wrong, I love Lucia with my whole heart, but sometimes I just wished I wasn't who I was. Finally standing up after an hour and a half, I stretch my limbs. These assignments aren't even necessary, so I don't understand why these teachers give them to us. I put my work in my bag and make my way to my bed. Laying like a starfish makes me release a breath of relief for the day. That didn't last long until I heard a loud, obnoxious voice making its way through the front door.
"Isabella! Come downstairs, we're home." The screeching voice of my mother, Carmen Morana, beams around the house. I can't even relax in this house. Choosing to just comply so no arguments happen, I stand up and rub my hands over my face. My long strides to my bedroom door feel like it takes forever. The squeal of my door lets everyone know it has been opened, and I'm heading downstairs.
"Bella! Bella! Look, I got a new leotard!" My 8-year-old sister Lucia sprints over to me with her new clothing in her hand. It looked like her old black leotard, which I'm not surprised about since it is her class uniform along with her pink leggings and shoes. "I know it looks the same, but this one is a smoother kind!" She hands me it to feel the fabric that it was made out of. It was indeed smoother, I guess it was polyester.
I crouch down to her level and let out a smile, "It's perfect for you. Have you put it on yet?" I ask the glistening girl in front of me. She shakes her no, "Well? What are you waiting for? Go try it on!" I grin at her, ignoring the stare that's glaring into the side of my head. She giggles and yells "Okay" while running up the stairs.
"Be careful, Lucia, don't run on the stairs, you could fall!" My mother scolds her. Her piercing gaze lands on me, she looks me up and down with disgust. "What are you wearing? It's almost three." I glance down at my outfit, which consists of sweatpants and an oversized tee. I should have known she was going to say something. All I have done today was stay in my room and do homework from Friday. I didn't feel the need to change into actual clothes. I could never say that to her, even if I wanted to.
I get up from where I crouched down talking to Lucia. "I haven't had the chance to change, I was doing work." She snarled at me, disliking my answer. I believe there is nothing wrong with comfortable clothes in my home. It's not like someone is going to barge in here and judge me for what I am wearing, besides my mother.
She places the bags she had in her hand on the kitchen counter. "You've had no time since you've woken up, which was supposed to be at seven, by the way. To get up and change into some decent clothes that don't make you look homeless?" I sigh when she finished talking. It's just clothing. It's not even that important. "Go change and come back down. Then I want you to put these groceries away."
I nod my head at her and turn my back, walking towards the stairs where I came from in the first place. She made me come down here just to get yelled at for some sweats. I can't until I'm done with everything for the day, so I can do my nightly walk and get away from her. I don't even know where my dad is right now, I thought he was with her. Obviously, I thought wrong, he's probably with his weirdo friends somewhere drinking his day away.

Our Bloody Mess / Stiles Stilinski
RomanceAfter a big fight with her parents, Isabella wakes up as a creature she never knew actually existed. She wanders around aimlessly refusing to go back to her town where her parents are. Which made her appear in Beacon Hills, alone and starving. In ot...