Chapter 9

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Laura and the girls had gotten settled in Peters bed while Peter himself strung up a web hammock in the corner of the office. He had gotten used to sleeping in awkward places and positions with his many years of being Spider-Man, so he wasn't too bothered by having to give up his bed for the night.

The night had come and gone quickly enough and in the morning Peter had gotten himself up early and left the girls alone to let them sleep in.

In the meantime he spent the morning going through the last of the paperwork on his desk and let out a deep sigh of relief when that last piece of paper was filed away.

'Huhhh. Finally, all done.' He thought incredibly relieved.

Peter fell back on his chair and relaxed a little knowing that the large amount of paperwork had been finished, but he then wondered what he would do today.

He now had four girls here instead of just one and it seemed like Hope didn't have a place to stay just like Laura so he couldn't just send her packing after today. Anya and Kamala had their own places to go to but stayed out of convenience for the moment but he couldn't let them stay indefinitely, not to mention that he needed his own bed to sleep in again.

Thankfully there wasn't anything major on his agenda and most of the days schedule was cleared up, unless there was another unexpected guest waiting to turn up, so Peter decided he wanted to take things easier today and just talk with the girls once they woke up.

However Peters infamous 'Parker Luck' would never allow him to have a moments rest in any normal circumstances, so given what transpired the previous day it was to be expected that something was bound to happen sooner or later.

A large rumble traveled through his office, bringing Peter out of lax state and to look out the window into the city, where he could see some smoke emanating from what appeared to be an explosion.

Peter hadn't spent much time as Spider-Man when he got control of his body again, he would take action if one of his enemies escaped prison and was running rampage in the city but that was it.

'Hmm. That doesn't seem like a normal explosion. Maybe I should check it out just to make sure.' He thought looking at the smoke growing larger and darker.

He quickly donned his suit and made his way out to go investigate the source of the explosion. If it was nothing then he could lend a quick hand sense he was already there but it was nothing to disturb the girls over. So he crossed his fingers and hoped for the best.

Unfortunately... the source of the explosion was a destroyed police car by the hands, very large hands, of the infamous Rhino. Who was brushing off the officers attempts to restrain him with ease, that was until two elastic straps wrapped around Rhinos arms preventing him from moving and causing any more damage.

Rhino moved towards the costumed intruder to lessen the tension in the straps and attack the one who tried to stop him.

The costumed vigilante was wearing a primarily purple and orange outfit with a similarly coloured mask with white eye lenses, the elastic straps that were used to restrain Rhino were attached to the persons arms and could be used as whips or for increased mobility.

When they saw Rhino charging forward the vigilante dodged his attack and pulled hard on the straps still attached to his arm and led him into running into a wall, the vigilante recalled the restraints as the retracted up their arms ready to be deployed again.

Rhino brushed off the collision and turned to engage the vigilante once more, Rhino took a lowered stance ready to charge full speed to catch this new vigilante. And in the next second he took off, the ground cracking slightly as he set off for his target.

The vigilante used their straps as whips and connected them to the street light overhead and launched themselves like a slingshot over the charging Rhinos head landing behind him as he continued his charge. But before Rhino could stop himself his legs were now bound in the straps and he fell to the ground hard.

Rhino tried to pull himself free of the straps and get bad on his feet, but he was stopped when the purple and orange clad vigilante tossed a small device on the back of Rhinos costume. The moment the device locked into place Rhino was hit a large burst of electricity causing him some slight pain before he finally succumbed and fell unconscious.

Rhinos head hit the ground and the rest of the officers moved in to restrain him properly and ready him for transport back into the Raft for safekeeping, that is until he breaks out again.

"Hey, nice work. Couldn't have done it any better myself." Spider-Man complemented the officers and vigilante for their good work.

"Spider-Man. Nice to see you again." The masked vigilante said happily as they made their way up to Spider-Man so they could speak privately.

"And you too. Yuri." He said as the now revealed Yuri shook her head slightly.

"It's Wraith while in the costume, Spider-Man. You know that." Yuri corrected him.

"Right right, sorry. Just getting used to seeing you like this." He said apologetically.

"It's fine. So... what brings you in the neighbourhood? It's been a while since we've seen you around." Yuri asked him curiously.

"Saw the explosion, thought I'd see what's up." He answered casually.

"Well... we got everything under control here. Thanks to some of this new equipment provided by Parker Industries." Yuri said emphasising the origin of the equipment.

"I'm glad you like it. Though it is only a prototype suit, and it doesn't have the web shooters attached either." He admitted.

"For a prototype it certainly gets the job done, everyone in the precinct is asking for one. As for the web shooters... I much prefer these. Not to mention that it'll be a hassle to keeping them functioning and in repair." Yuri said honestly.

"It's not a hassle at all, I already have to do maintenance for my own web shooters AND keep a supply of web fluid on hand, so it wouldn't be a problem looking over yours as well." Peter explained.

"Still. These work better for me, so I'll have to respectfully decline any web-shooter additions to the suit... again." She said with a sly grin.

"Alright, alright. I hear you loud and clear." Peter said raising his hands up in surrender.

"It's good seeing you again. Really." Yuri said sincerely.

"Yea... well... don't expect it too much. I'm... trying to move past being Spider-Man all the time. You know... after..." He replied dismissively.

"Octavius. I understand." Yuri finished knowing exactly why he stopped showing up as Spider-Man.

"I'm still grateful that at least someone had my back. That you had my back." He thanked her.

"I knew their was something wrong. I just couldn't figure out what, sorry for not realising sooner and putting a stop to it." Yuri admonished.

"There's no way you could have known what was up. So don't blame yourself for not being able to do anything to stop it."

"Heh. Been saying that a lot lately." He said jokingly.

"Still... I feel bad that your reputation took such a hit. Your still welcome at our precinct, and we could always use the extra hand when it comes to taking down these guys." Yuri offered.

"I appreciate it Yuri. Maybe I'll take you up on that... someday. Just not today." He accepted.

"Well... be seeing you around, Parker." Yuri said putting her mask back on and returning to her officers and the downed Rhino.

Peter smiled under his mask at her use of his name. He still remembers the day he told her and his offer for some experimental equipment to help her and the police fight some of the more difficult villains.

"See you around Yuri." He said under his breath as he web swung away.

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