"Open another one girly." Enzo happily said and I quickly grabbed another present almost the same size as the Cartier bracelet.

I opened it revealing the beautiful Vintage Alhambra bracelet, 5 motifs, 18k yellow gold diamond making tears form into my eyes.

"I don't know why I'm going to cry." I softly said as I took it and placed it on my wrist. "You should be crying for his bank account, that bracelet is 14,600k!" Enzo said which made me cry out.

I sat on the couch and shook my head. "I can't, this is too much. I-I mean I never had anyone do this for me, hell I don't even treat myself." I stammered out as I looked at the unopened gifts and then at the expensive bracelets on my wrist.

Enzo sat beside me making me lean my head on his shoulder. "Maybe you needed this treatment. You deserve it because you always give to others." He softly said as I wiped my tears and sighed.

"Thank you zo, just for being by my side for all these years." I softly said and he hummed. "You know I love you." He happily said making me giggle.

"I love you too."


Enzo has been gone but I still sat on the couch as I looked at the unopened gifts. I was grateful, extremely but I just couldn't.

I feel guilty.

The door opened revealing Rex. He looked at me and then the gifts then furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He asked as he closed the door and took off his suit jacket. "I can't accept all this Rex. I'm only here for a year and then I'm gone. Your wasting your money." I quietly said as he sat besides me.

"I know what I'm doing Liah. If Im wasting my money then atleast I'm wasting my money on something I know I won't regret." He stated as I looked at him and then at the gifts.

"Here." He quickly grabbed a gift and opened it for me revealing another van Cleef box. He opened the box revealing the sweet Alhambra bracelet making me pout.

"It's too much." I quietly said as small tears rimmed my eyes. He ignored me as he took the bracelet out the box and gently placed it on my wrist.

"What's next." He hummed before taking a bigger box and now handing it to me. "Open it, Principessa." He softly said as I looked at him and then at the gift.

I opened it revealing a beige box and I imminently knew what it was. Red bottoms.

I opened the box revealing the christian louboutin red bottoms. "Rex, no." I quietly said in denial. "You know principessa, you are very stubborn." He softly said as he leaned back on the couch with a men spread.

"I know I am Rex... thank you, seriously." I said as I turned to him. He winked and handed me another box but he quickly took it back.

"Louis Vuitton or Prada?" He asked and I shrugged. "Both." I said and he puckered his lips making me smile.

"What?" I asked.

"Pick one." He softly said showing me his smile that exposed his deep dimples. "Prada." I quickly said and he placed the gift down and chose another one and handed it too me.

I quickly opened it revealing the Nappa antique leather multi-pocket shoulder bag in pink making me gasp.

I squealed and quickly hugged him. I've always wanted this bag, especially in college. He chuckled and hugged me back before patting my sides.

I sat back down and admired the bag as he stood up and walked somewhere. "Okay, I didn't really know which ones you would like so I kind of went overboard." He muffled out making me look back to see he was holding 6 Marc jacob bags making me squeal in excitement.

He placed down the black large sized tote bag, beige and black combo medium size tote bag, the pink Terry medium sized tote bag, the white Terry medium sized tote bag, the outline monogram medium tote bag in white and in black.

I quickly got up and jumped on him and cupped his cheeks in excitement. "I'm so- so- so grateful for you! Thank you so much!" I practically screamed out making him laugh.

I jumped off of him and looked at the unopened and opened gifts. "I can't open anymore or I will literally die of excitement." I squealed out as he stood behind me.

"I surely don't want that but there's something else I want to tell you." He whispered in my ear as he wrapped his hands around my waist.

"We're going to Monaco." He whispered making me jump out his hold and turn to him. "Like the Monaco in Europe?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded his head as he stood tall. I quickly jumped in his hold again and cupped his cheeks making his pink plump lips smush together.

"Thank you for your dumb bodyguard being in my way." I happily said before pecking his lips multiple times.

He pulled away slowly. "We're leaving tomorrow, morning." He rasped out and tried to kiss me again but I jumped out his hold.

"I have to pack." I quickly said before running up the stairs.

I've never been out of new York, I'm feeling so many emotions right now.


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