"Oh yeah, so I should expect to get slapped when?"

Taking a deep breath, JJ twisted the key in the ignition starting the bike, "Get on the fucking bike, Coralina."

"No, I'd really," she began before the sound of squealing tires had her breaking off mid sentence. Looking towards the train, she saw Topper's truck barreling towards the road.

"That's Top, and the cross," JJ realized, seeing a large crate in the bed of the truck, "Get on."

"We're not done with this," she told him, climbing on behind him.

"Looking forward to it," he responded before taking off after Topper.

Hearing sirens, Coral glanced over her shoulder at the police car chasing them, "JJ!"

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Hearing sirens, Coral glanced over her shoulder at the police car chasing them, "JJ!"

"I know!" he yelled, pulling alongside Topper's truck.

"What are you doing?" Pope yelled from where he and Cleo sat in the bed of the truck.

"Top, keep going straight!" JJ yelled, "Get ready to jump," he told Coral over his shoulder.

"What!" both Coral and Pope exclaimed.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Probably," he responded, "Get ready to catch her!" he yelled to Pope, "Babygirl, you have to jump," he told her.

"Come on. I got you!" Pope yelled, leaning over the side.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up on the side pegs using JJ's shoulders to steady herself before stepping up onto the seat of the bike. Reaching for Pope he grabbed her arm, "Easy now. Just jump," he instructed.

Counting down she jumped on three landing on her side on top of the crate in the back of the truck bed, "Are you okay?" Pope asked.

"Yeah, yeah," she assured him and Cleo, scurrying off of the crate into the bed of the truck with them.

"Are you okay?" Kie yelled through the back window.

"Fine!" she yelled back, "What is he doing?" she exclaimed watching as JJ hit the brakes hard turning the bike to face the oncoming police car.

"I don't know," Pope answered, "I don't think he knows either."

"He's trying to get killed," she muttered as he sped off towards the police.

"Shit, he done it now," Cleo said as the police car pulled a u-turn and started chasing JJ.

"No, no, no," Coral whispered before turning to bang on the back window, "Turn around! Turn around now! We have to help him!"

"Hey, stop the truck!" Pope and Cleo both yelled. She could hear Kie and Sarah both yelling at Topper to turn around too.

"I'm not going to jail for you! No chance!" Topper yelled back.

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