Chapter 1: The Son Of The Hokage

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My earliest memory of him was the day after Lord Seventh became Hokage. It was a beautiful day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Feeling the soft silk of the white robe that engulfed me, I was surrounded by the same attire. Looking up at my mother, I saw a beautiful woman with bright pink hair like cherry blossoms. She didn't look at me or any of my uncles and aunts that stood around me. Just up to the top of the Hokage's office. The silver railing shimmered in the sunlight and reflected off my crimson-rimmed glasses. It wasn't long before Lord Sixth presented himself and he introduced Lord Seventh. I watched in awe as a man with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes came from the roof and waved to us. I smiled at the glee that my mother gave me. This man was the strongest among us. He was the Hokage.

The next day I started school for the first time. I wasn't old enough or qualified to be in the academy but I still enjoyed it.

"Hey, Sarada!" ChoCho screamed as she caught up to me as I walked up the steps to school.

I smiled as I saw she was eating chips like she always had before.

"Hey ChoCho," I croaked.

Our little feet flooded into the school with the other nine-year-old children. I was excited to meet new people and make new friends. But I knew that ChoCho would be my best friend and she never let me forget it.

Sitting down in our seats, I could tell ChoCho was eager to sit next to me as she scurried to the desk beside me.

"My dad said that this is where he met Lord Seventh and Uncle Shikamaru," ChoCho added.

That's right. Lord Seventh as a child was best friends with Uncle Choji and Shikamaru. Maybe, besides ChoCho of course, this is where I would meet my closest friends. My mother also told me she had met my father here, maybe I would meet someone that I can have a bond with that she seems to have with my father. Even though I haven't met him, based on the way my mother talks about him, it makes me wonder...

Suddenly, a boy with that blonde soft hair and blue eyes entered the room. Immediately everyone around me began to whisper as he entered the room. Boruto Uzumaki. I've known him since I was little because my mom was on the same shinobi team as his father, Lord Seventh. Honestly, we never got along due to his personality.

"Hey Boruto!" a boy from behind me called out.

Turning around I was met with Shikadai Nara. Immediately Boruto's face lit up and I saw his eyes clear as he ran past my seat to sit next to Shikadai. His eyes were so... so blue. I think even bluer than Lord Seventh's. I don't know why I didn't notice it before. Turning around, I saw the two boys exchange a handshake.

"Settle down everyone and take your seats," our teacher said as he entered the room.

I watched with curiosity as Boruto took his seat, laughing with Shikadai about something. I began to wonder what it was like to be the Hokage's son.

"Hello, class. My name is Puren and I will be your sensei for this year," he said.

My eyes lit up as I looked up at him ready to learn. Suddenly, a headache rained through my head as whispering drew up from behind me.

"So where were you yesterday?" Shikadai whispered to Boruto.

"I was stuck at home, y'know," Boruto replied.


"That's my business, y'know," Boruto said as he threw up his hands over his head.

Turning back towards the front of the classroom, I tried to block them out but the whispering persisted. Seeing that no one else was going to tell them to stop, I whipped my head around in silent rage.

"Be quiet. We are here to learn and not listen to you two," I snapped quietly.

Immediately, Boruto formed a glare as he looked at me. I glared back as I saw Shikadai roll his eyes. As we glared at one another, it was suddenly broken by the teacher.

"Boruto Uzumaki. Sarada Uchiha," the teacher said.

Turning my head around embarrassed, I was met by the disapproving eyes of the teacher.

"Do I need to send you two to the headmaster's office on the first day of class for talking?" Puren-sensei spoke.

I shook my head 'no' as I gave him my full attention.

"Good," he spoke again and then turned to the board to write down some words.

I then turned around quickly one more time to shoot a glare and Boruto stuck his tongue out at me. Narrowing my eyes, I turned back to the front.

Weeks since the inauguration went by and I kept my eye on Boruto. He still annoyed me and I took notice that he got in trouble a lot, getting sent to the headmaster's office every other day. 

Then one day, he came in late.

We watched as he entered the room and the teacher scolded him. I gave him a look of disgust before it softened. Something was different about him. He seemed sad. His sky-blue eyes seemed to change towards something duller. But it seemed as though I was the only one who noticed. People still treated him the same actions like nothing had ever changed. Day after day, he came and he left. Mostly it was when he thought no one was looking but he seemed sad. Was something going on at home? Should I ask him?

One day, I was leaving the class with ChoCho and Sumire, and in the courtyard, I saw him parting ways with Shikadai and then sitting alone.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later," I waved off my friends and they shrugged before beginning their walk home.

From a distance, I watched him and saw him playing with a letter in his hands. Suddenly, he crumpled up the paper in anger and threw it toward the trash can. He began to walk away, not noticing that he missed the trash can. Watching him turn the corner into the street, I walked over to the crumpled-up piece of paper and held it in my hands. Was it my business to look at something so personal? Without another thought, I began to uncrumple the paper. My eyes widened at the words.

Sorry Boruto, I won't be able to train with you again today. I need to stay at the office late tonight.Dad

Now I understand.

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