Ryuga sighed as he ran his hand threw his white hair, slicking it back as he tugged on the ends. "This needs to be stopped. But in this case Hart clearly isn't the offender. If he was found nearly strangled to death, get on it now, we need to find Zeo,Toby,Jack,King, Dalia and my brother, find out where they are. NOW get to fucking work. Nile you go to the hospital and wait for Y/n to wake up, I will send some other people to check in on Hart."

The men nodded as they dispersed, Nile hopped in his car and made his way to the hospital. Once he arrived he checked in with the Nurse, picking up a bouquet of flowers as he shakily made his way to the third floor where Y/N was being kept. "Nile. Are you headed to see Y/n?" Dashan appeared from behind Nile, holding blue iris's that were tied together with a baby blue satin bow. His long amber hair tied on top of his head in a messy bun, dressed down from usual suit, to just his jeans and a tight fitting turtleneck, highlighting every muscle that he had.

"Hey Dashan.. I came to see if Y/n was awake yet or not.. have you spoken to anyone else in Hades?" Dashan shook his head as the two of them walked together. "This incident wasn't caused by Hart, it looks like they were jumped by someone.. do you think someone could have waited for them to get back and attacked?" Biting at the inside of his lip, Nile shook his head as there was only one person that he could think about. "King maybe.. he told Hart that he was leaving and taking Dalia with him, and in these gangs.. You only get to leave in two ways, a body bag, or retirement when you have your first born son pass down the role to you.. or you.." "take it from him. Trust me Nile I know all too well about how the gang scene works."

They arrived at Y/n's room, peering in to see her eyes slightly squinted, signaling that she was slowly waking up, she had her head wrapped in bandages, small cuts above her lip and her nose. Bruises spreading under her tear stained eyes, seeing the redness of what looked like a knife slash under her chin. Y/n groggily turned when she heard the door knob twist, looking over to see Nile and Dashan holding flowers, Nile bowed his head as he felt guilty looking her in the eye.

"Y/n. You're awake.. how are you feeling?" Clearing her throat, Y/n slowly sat up so she could see the two of them better. "I've been better.. my head hurts like hell.." Her voice was raspy, sounded like she had just gotten over being sick. "We found Hart next to you.. he looks like he was attacked too." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, shaking her head as she looked at Dashan. "That's impossible.. there's no way.." Dashan rested the flowers down as he made his way over to Y/n. "I know I'm sor" "No.. Hart was the one who attacked me.. when we came home he threw himself on me and knocked me out... he kept me in that basement.. for I don't even know how long.. It's so fuzzy.."

Nile's grip around the flowers tightened, feeling the plastic crinkle in his sweat beading palms. "That bastard.. so did someone attack him too? Or don't you remember?" Y/n shrugged as she looked out the window, seeing the sunshine across the glass windows of the sky scrapers near by. "I don't remember exactly, all I know is that he was the one who attacked me, he called me a liar when I said I didn't fuck Kyoya or Nile.. and that just made him go absolutely ballistic.. he kept me down there for what seems like a lifetime.. only giving me a glass of water a day.."

"Dashan can you step out for a minute.. me and Y/n.. I need to speak with her.." Dashan bowed as he gave Y/n and Nile their space, closing the door behind him. "I'm sorry bug.. what I said it was wrong.." "Nile it's okay.. I forgive you.. I'm sorry for playing with your feelings.. I never meant to hurt you.. I was thinking of saving my own life.. I didn't think clearly and I'm sorry.."

Nile walked over to Y/n sitting down next to her in the bed, wrapping an arm around her pulling her into his side. Y/n quickly nuzzled into Nile, the sweet familiar aroma of jasmine invaded her sinuses, feeling at home when she hugged Nile all over again, resting her head in the crook of his arm, looking up at him through tired half open eyelids. "Bug you need your sleep, when you are able to be discharged come home with me.. Hart definitely is the issue here. You need to be safe."

Nile felt wetness seep through his shirt as he looked down, there was a stream of tears pouring out of Y/n's eyes. "Please don't cry Y/n.. I am not here to argue anymore, I am here to make sure that you are safe and that your well being is put before that sick sadistic son of a bitch. Do you remember hearing anything about the other gang members leaving anywhere? When we found you guys the house was completely dark."

Y/n shook her head as she tried to remember anything before the last time she blacked out. "All I remember was that they had talked about going to the beach, and saying that they wanted to take a small group vacation since they didn't have anything coming up in the next few weeks. All I know is that Hart was very frustrated and wanted to find where King had taken Dalia.. he hasn't seen or heard a single word since they left and ran away from him... I remember a second voice down in the basement with him.. he asked them to find King and that Hart didn't care if he was dead or alive."

Nile sighed as he rubbed small circles on the exposed skin on the back of Y/n's hospital gown, wiping her tears with his other hand. "We will find who that second voice was. We will find King and Dalia and we will make sure that they are okay. I promise Y/n.. I won't let anything else happen to you."

The door opened. The two looked up to see Ryuga and Dashan. Ryuga's face was filled with anger and hatred, his eyes were blank with betrayal, lowering his gaze he looked at Y/n. "Miss Y/n.. I have to tell you something." "Sir I think I know who we need to look into.. King took Dalia and wanted to run away with her.. I know that Hart was ma"

Y/n stopped her rambling as Dashan shook his head, looking at her with pleading eyes as he looked at her to be quiet. "That's impossible.. they can't be the ones."

"Well why not?"

"Because we found them.. King and Dalia Hart are deceased."

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