"I just want a kiss, you idiot."

Grimacing jokingly, "Oh, my bad," I bit my lip before pecking his lips. He added another before turning to get in the car.

Walking around to the other side of the car, I got into the passenger seat. With a satisfied sigh, I unfolded the blanket and covered myself. Sleep was definitely calling my name.


Lauren's POV:

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Lauren's POV:

Feeling the car stop moving, I stirred, waking from my nap. I peeked my head up to see my girlfriend, who was under me, asleep still. I smiled to myself as my eyes adoringly took in the beauty before me.

Sade and I laid stretched out in this weird, yet very comfortable position in the backseat of Silas' car. She had her back rested on some pillows as they laid against the car door. I was positioned between her legs with my arms wrapped loosely around her midsection and my head resting on her chest. Her left leg, the one against the upright part of the seat, was slightly resting on my lower back as the other lay flat on the seat. Sade had a hand in my hair given her fingers were massaging my scalp before we fell asleep. My left arm resided underneath her sweatshirt with my fingers tracing the bare skin of her torso.

My eyes traveled to the front and found Silas now driving, and Kingston knocked out in the reclined passenger seat. It seemed like we were in a bit of traffic. Silas was in a zone, completely unaware that anyone in the car was awake as he bobbed his head along to the music. I raised my voice a little so he could hear me,

"Hey Si?"

He took a quick glance back at me and reached to turn the volume down a bit on the radio, "yeah?"

"How many hours left?"

"Uhh," he glanced at the phone propped on the dashboard, "about three. Why, what you need?"

"Well I was just curious, but I do kind of have to use the restroom." My face grimaced.

He nodded, "yeah I figured that. Don't worry, the next exit is in about 8 miles."

"Okay cool."

Resting my head back on my girlfriend's chest, I pulled out my phone to scroll while time passed.


We'd arrived at the truck stop and I sat up a little to stretch. Sade's legs were still loosely wrapped around my midsection as I did so. I looked down at her to find my baby still sound asleep. One thing about Sade, she's gonna sleep like a newborn baby.

Silas pulled into a parking spot and sighed before looking to his right at Kingston lovingly. He reached a hand over and began stroking King's short blonde hair to wake him. It made me smile a little, seeing how gentle he was despite his intimidatingly muscular physique.

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