Peter was taken aback by the sudden flash of light and the presence of three young women who were stood in the centre of his office space.
But that shock soon passed as he could clearly make out who the three women were. The first was wearing a black spandex suit just like his own spider costume except for that this suit was completely black in colour with a white spider symbol spreading across the entire body.
The second woman was wearing a red and blue costume with a red scarf that hung down her back. In the centre of the costume was a familiar looking thunderbolt shape that was in homage to her superhero idol.
The final woman had shoulder length red hair and was wearing a primarily dark green jumpsuit with some yellow accents across her chest in the shape of a large 'V' connecting to her shoulders.
"Anya? Kamala? Hope? What are all you doing here?" He asked stunned at seeing his three students appear out of thin air.
The three turned in the direction of his voice and their eyes lit up when they saw him standing their.
"PETER!" They all shouted as they tackled him into a hug.
The sudden tackle caught Peter off guard and he fell to the ground with the three women clung on top of him.
"We missed you." Said Hope with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry we couldn't help." Anya said as she buried her face into his chest.
"We tried to tell the others they were wrong, but they wouldn't listen." Kamala said wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Hey, hey. It's okay, I know." He said soothingly trying to comfort them.
The sudden noise from Peter being tackled to the floor had gotten the attention of Laura in the other room, who burst out through the door claws drawn and at the ready to fight whoever decided to attack Peter.
She was surprised to see him laying on the ground with three women clung to him each of them in tears. What surprised her the most however was that she recognised Hope immediately from her red hair.
"What's... going on here?" She asked curiously as she retracted her claws.
"It's nothing Laura, they just... dropped in to say sorry." He tried to explain.
"Uhh... girls? Can you get off me for a sec?" He asked the three nervously. The girls complied and slowly removed themselves from him and stood back up, their faces had slight blushes on them at being so close to him.
"S-sorry about that." Anya apologised nervously.
"It's alright Anya. I understand." He said patting her head a little. Anyas' blush deepened when he did so and she smiled brightly when he stopped.
Laura caught the blush and smile from the young spider heroine and felt a pang in her chest seeing Peter show her such affection.
"So what are you guys doing here?" He asked them after recovering from their embrace.
"We... we're looking for you. We wanted to apologise for how you were treated by everyone. I came across Kamala and Anya along the way and they felt the same way so we decided to find you together." Hope answered on how they ended up in his office.
"Oh. Look, you all don't have to apologise. I said the same thing to Laura when she showed up here. None of you are at fault for what happened, I know you guys still believed in me." He clarified.
They beamed at him thankfully, knowing that he didn't blame them for what happened during the whole superior incident, and how he was treated upon returning.
"Anyway... it's getting late. Why don't we call it a night and we can talk about it tomorrow." He suggested looking outside and seeing it get darker and darker.
"Sure, that's sounds great." Anya said happily.
"Yea. So why don't you all head home and come back later." Laura said smugly thinking that she'd get to spend some alone time with Peter.
"Well... I- ran away from the mansion. After the whole Phoenix incident I didn't feel safe there, and after how they treated you I definitely didn't want to stick around." Hope revealed.
"A-and I live on the other side of the city." Anya said with Kamala agreeing with her.
Laura huffed at their excuses knowing exactly what they were playing at. With Hope she could understand why she had nowhere to go, after all she was in the same situation, but the other two... seriously. They were superheroes and should be able to take care of themselves trying to get home.
"Well... Laura is already staying here in the spare room. So I guess you guys could stay the night too... as long as you're okay with sharing the bed Laura?" He asked turning towards her.
Laura was immediately put on the spot when he offered them to share the bed, she wanted to be alone with Peter but if she just straight up told them no then she'd come off as heartless and cold.
"Huh. It's... no problem. We can share the bed." She said defeatedly which caused Peter to raise his eye a bit.
The girls were ecstatic when they heard that it was okay for them to stay. They had just gotten there and wanted to spend some more time with Peter. During the superior incident they were warned not to go near Spider-Man for any reason as he was now a threat, for Hope she was already in seclusion as she honed her powers but the X-men warned her that he was no longer to be trusted and to stay far away from him.
Any of the girls couldn't believe that their mentor was now a threat and tried to talk some sense into their respective groups but were quickly shut down and told that they're were just too young and inexperienced to know what was the right thing to do.
Suddenly at the realisation that they would all be sharing a bed, Anya had a question to ask for Peter.
"Uhmmm... Peter... you said that we'd... share... the bed?" She asked bashfully as the realisation hit the others as well.
Kamala, Hope and Laura flushed slightly at the thought of the four of them joining Peter in bed. "No no. The four of you will share the bed. I can make do with something else for tonight." He said which disappointed the girls.
"I'll make a web hammock somewhere in the office and just 'hang around'." He said jokingly which caused Laura to groan slightly and a slight giggle from Anya.

Recovering from Superior
FanfictionPeter gets his body back from Otto. His name is cleared as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Now it's time to get his life together not knowing who will be brought along for the ride.