ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ~•Chapter|One• Fragments of a Love Lost

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I know a thing or two about forbidden love. I remember every moment with him like it was yesterday.

I remember the snow. How it fell around us, light and delicate, clinging to my lashes and hair, weaving through the air like a quiet dance. Each flake settling on my red curls, like a soft, white veil.

Gabriel and had I met by chance in this forest a year ago. I was drawn to his eyes. Piercing blue, they seemed to see right through me. Like the sky, they were expansive and revealing, showing every thought and emotion. Sometimes playful, others intense, but always soft and gentle. He was a traveler, lost and cold, and I couldn't help but assist him. Our worlds weren't meant to meet, but fate had other plans.

His cheek against mine, his arms holding me close. His warm breath on my ear when he whispered, "Help me, Avora."

We stood beneath the night sky, sparkling with a thousand diamonds. The snow laying at our feet, reaching towards the grey sky. "I want to be brave in loving you. I don't want to give up. I refuse to, Avora."

"Why are you doing this, Gabriel? I've told you that it is forbidden to love a human."

His touch was gentle yet insistent as he cupped my face, his warmth seeping through the cold. His lips were so close they almost brushed mine.  "I wish I could show you everything inside me. All the things you can't see, all the feelings I have for you. Maybe then you'd understand how much you mean to me."

Looking into his eyes my heart ached "Gabriel, I don't want you to be brave, I want you to live freely and be with someone who can fit in your world, someone who can love you without consequence."

A soft smile curved his lips, his laughter a gentle sound amidst the falling snow. " Consequences. Says the cowardly angel to the foolish human, what a pair we make." he said, his thumb lightly brushing my lips. "Do you remember our first meeting? What I told you?"

I nodded, looking into his eyes. His fingers moving to brush against my cheek, the warmth of his touch sending shivers through me. "You asked me to show you the world," he recalled softly. "And I promised that I would." Gabriel looked at me with a new intensity. "May I ask you something?" he said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Anything," I replied, my heart fluttering. His hand slipped to my nape and other moved to my waist. "Can I know where you'd like me to kiss you?" he asked, his eyes filled with a mix of playfulness and sincerity.

My cheeks flushed as I answered, "Just below my ear."

His breath warmed my neck as he leaned in, his lips grazing my skin with a feather-light touch. "And now?" he asked softly, his words sending shivers through me.

"Across my collarbone," I murmured, my voice trembling with anticipation.

His lips traced a gentle path to the delicate curve of my collarbone, each touch a promise. "Where next?" he asked, his breath mingling with mine.

"My lips," I whispered, feeling the intensity of the moment.

Gabriel's lips hovered near mine, the proximity making my heart race. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice low and warm.

I nodded, feeling a wave of emotion surge through me. "Yes," I breathed, my voice barely more than a whisper.

As our lips finally met, the kiss was soft and tender, a melding of warmth that seemed to melt away the cold night around us. 

 "Why is it," I began, "that every time we have a serious conversation, you distract me with your kisses?"

"And you," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "you always come up with reasons why we shouldn't be together. So, who's really unfair here?"

His lips hovered above mine, his gaze searching, intense. "I'd rather be a fool for loving you than live a lifetime without knowing what it feels like to hold you Avora."

His expression wavered for a moment, a wince of pain flickering across his face quickly before he masked it with a smile. He leaned in and kissed me one last time—a tender, lingering touch.

" I'll see you tomorrow." 

I watched Gabriel's figure grow smaller in the snowy landscape, fading into the distance. A soft smile touched my lips, a fleeting warmth in the cold air. Another evening in our special place, a moment of peace in our chaotic love.

A voice, cold and unexpected, cut through the quiet. "He is dying, you know."

I turned toward the edge of the forest, my gaze drawn to Alex's shadowy figure. His eyes were fixed on me, his expression hard with anger. The snow fell silently around us, but the tension was heavy.

I stepped forward, the snow crunching under my boots. "Alex, how did you know where I was, and what do you mean he's dying?"

He didn't answer immediately, his eyes locked on mine with a mix of anger and something else. I swallowed, feeling the knot in my stomach tighten.

"Say something," I pleaded. "You're just standing there, and it's making me nervous."

After a moment, Alex spoke, his voice low and taut. "It's better this way, Avora. You know this is 


I looked down, feeling the weight of his words. The snow fell softly, a quiet witness to our strained conversation. I wanted to explain, but the words caught in my throat.

Angels weren't meant to love humans. It was a sacred law, breaking the balance of our world. Our existence was one of order, where emotions were controlled and duties clear. Loving a human brought chaos into our serene lives.

The silence stretched, the snow the only sound in the cold night. I took a shaky step forward. "Please, Alex, just listen to me."

Alex sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You don't get it, do you? I love you, Avora. Why couldn't it be me? Why did it have to be a human. I'd rather you hate me, than lose you."

I stared at him, shocked. "What?"

Alex stepped closer, his breath visible in the cold air. He pulled out a familiar small device, glowing at the tip. "Forgive me," he said, his voice breaking. "But I can't let this continue."

Before I could react, he pressed the device against my temple. A faint beep, and light washed over me. My vision blurred, the world fading into a dream-like state.

Memories of Gabriel flickered, fragmented and distorted. Faces and voices blended into chaos. The snow, the forest, Alex—everything became distant, a dream I couldn't wake from.As the light faded, I collapsed into the snow. Alex's face was a shadowed silhouette against the moonlight, his expression a mix of anger and regret. Darkness pulled me into a cold, endless slumber.

It was forbidden, my love. I fell for a human, and I'm an angel. Don't judge me. It's not like I chose this fate. Unlike Romeo and Juliet, we didn't rush into marriage or death. We didn't start a war. We were careful and mature.

And we still lost to death. That's the reality of forbidden love. It doesn't matter how much you love someone or how hard you try. The world will always find a way to tear you apart. So don't waste your time on Romeo and Juliet. They weren't heroes; they were fools. Me? Call it greed, call it selfish. It was my first love. They got to be together in the end, and they were both human. He was human.

I knew I was breaking sacred laws, but I couldn't help it. I loved him. Gabriel, the human who made me feel something new.

 Gabriel. Gabriel. Gabriel. 

The day I saw you was your last, and you didn't even know it. The day we touched; you drew your last breath. The day I lost you, you fell in love with death.

 I was your death.

ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ~* Hiya!

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