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Talia woke the next morning with a headache, and a strong craving for blood.

That seemed to be the downside to drinking, when she sobered up she was very hungry.

She strained to remember the night before, as she tossed back a vial of thick, sweet liquid.

There was the fuck(insert problem here) toasts, Sky walking her back, and then... fuck.

Her heart raced as a few bits of memory came flooding back.

His hands, his soft lips...


It had to be a dream.

That was it, Sky walked her to her room, then she'd had an embarrassing hot dream about him.

Shit, it felt so real.

There was no way she'd be looking him in the eyes anytime soon, not after a dream like that.

She groaned, scrubbing a hand down her face, and checked the clock.


Class started in twenty minutes, she'd be late if she didn't hurry.

She scrambled through her morning routine, still pulling on her second sneaker as she entered the hallway, she'd tie them later.


Talia rolled her eyes, and flipped off the fairy who'd said it as she practically ran to her solarian history class.

She fell into her seat at the double desk, just as Mr. Greenswood, the specialist history teacher stood from his desk at the end of the room.

Her desk felt empty and cold, as she'd grown accustomed to sitting with Beatrix in their shared classes.

Lying bitch.

Still, Talia couldn't focus much on that, her mind kept going back to the dream.

His sparkling blue eyes, her hands in his shaggy blonde hair...


She jumped, snapping her gaze to Mr. Greenswood.


He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"When did Solaria declare the war with the burned ones officially over?"

"Oh, uhh..."

She racked her brain, blushing brightly.

"April... two-thousand-five."

It came out as more of a question, but Mr. Greenswood accepted in nonetheless.

"Very good."

Talia ducked her head awkwardly, embarrassed she'd lost herself in the memories of her dream.

"Nerd, and a freak."

Her eyes snapped up, glaring at the boy who'd muttered it to his friend.

His eyes widened when he saw her face, clearly unaware of her enhanced hearing.


"We need to talk about last night."

Talia nearly jumped out of her skin as Sky found her at dinner, she'd successfully avoided him all day (she'd avoided everyone all day), but her luck ran out.

"What? Last night? Like what? I don't remember, did something happen?"

The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself, and she anxiously wrung her hands.

The Vampire Fairy•Sky of EraklyonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora