McKinnon's Mischievous Mayhem

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"I agree! It's essential we have a good name." James confirmed.
"Alright any ideas?" Sirius asked genuinely.
"How about James potter and the mischievous 5?" James suggested.
"That may be your most egotistical move yet James!" Remus laughed.
"Hey it was my idea!"
"James there's no point in reasoning, no one's ever going to agree to that name." Marlene said seriously.
"Now McKinnon's mischievous mayhem has a fair better ring to it!"
"OH COME OFF IT!!" James shouted angrily.
"Alright alright I'm kidding calm it potter." Marlene laughed to herself at his annoyance.

"This is serious lads we need a good name, this is what people will know us by it's gotta be memorable but also describe us as a band." Sirius reasoned.
He was right of course.
"How about just The Marauders?" Remus said thoughtfully.
"Hmm, I mean I guess it fits..." James said seemingly deep in thought at this suggestion.
"But not all of you are marauders!" Peter suddenly shot out from the end of the table where he looked rather grumpy.
"Enough of us are, besides Marls and Reg are practically honourary Marauders anyway!" James announced.
"Alright let's take a vote, all those in favour of naming the band The Marauders, say Aye." Sirius said loudly.
"AYE!" We all announced unanimously.
"Well that settles it!" James grinned.

"Good idea darling," I whispered in Remus' ear as he sat in the chair next to mine. His mouth turned upwards as he looked at me and his ears reddened.
"Thanks love," he said softly and quickly kissed my cheek before returning to the food Infront of him. Although now whenever his hands weren't busy with his cutlery they were holding mine.

"So, I've been thinking-"
"Uh oh, never a good sign when prongs starts thinking." Sirius mocked.
"Oi! I have many good ideas, like this band for example!"
"Alright alright I'm jokin mate."
"Anyways, seeing as we're getting pretty good as band, I was thinking we should perform at my New Years Eve Party this weekend! We'll have the next few days to rehearse and prepare, it can be our first real debut."
"Do you really think we're ready for that?" I asked guinely, it's true we were getting better but we still weren't amazing.
"I really do!"
"Yeah alright I reckon we might as well." Sirius chimed in. "What harm can it do."
"I suppose..." Remus seemed unsure.
"I'm in!" Marlene was certainly excited, almost bouncing out if her seat with anticipation.
"Yeah...okay if you think we're up for it." I agreed.
"Reg what dyu think?" James questioned, regulus had been awfully quiet all evening, not like he's usually particularly loud but he seemed a little bit out of it tonight."
"Hm? What?"
"Performing on new years, you in?"
"Oh uhh yeah sure whatever."
"Great! I'll start working on a set list! Ted's can you show me any songs you think are ready?"
"Oh um yeah sure."

To be honest I wasn't too excited about performing my songs for everyone, they're all quite personal. Playing them in front of my close friends was one thing but in front of half the school? I don't know if I'm ready for that. But it's very hard to say no to James Potter, especially when he's all worked up and hyper like that.

After dinner I went up to my bedroom and pulled out my notebook which I had been scribbling lyrics in. I flipped through the pages but nothing seemed any good. Suddenly everything I'd written just looked like utter bull shit.
"UGH!" I exclaimed and threw the notebook at the wall. I lay back on my bed and stared at the ceiling hoping for inspiration to strike me.

*Knock knock*

"You alright love?"
It was Moony at my door.
"Can I come in?"
I paused, did I want him here right now? Maybe he could help me write something.
"Yeah alright."
Remus hesitantly opened the door and stepped inside the room. He closed the door gently and leant against it staring at me with his beautifully comforting eyes.
"What's wrong darling?"
"Hm? Nothing I'm fine." I avoided his gaze and returned my eyes to the ceiling.
"Hmm." He hummed in response and I didn't even hear him make his way over to me but suddenly he was laying down beside me on the bed. He stared at the ceiling with me for a moment as a gentle silence fell over us."

Fall Apart- R.J.Lحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن