Atlas was a loss for words. He knew Niel was aware of the basics of their culture, but that was all it was, basics. Niel was a beginner and given his young age, Atlas knew Niel wouldn't have much life experience he could share and turn into wisdom.

"Well?" Katherine pressed.

"No," Atlas responded defeatedly.

Katherine put a comforting hand on her son's arm. "I am only doing what is best for you, for the pack, and, well in some sense, what is best for Othniel." A minute of silence passed by when she spoke up again. "Don't worry about useless matters, delegate them to the right person. I have to go now."

Niel quickly backed up again and tried not to be suspicious. He thought he would be hurt by the words of the former Luna, but he wasn't. It was true in every sense and given difficult times were ahead it was better to do what was being told. To do what was best for everybody. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard.

"Shall we?"

"Yes," Niel responded.

Unfortunately, it was hard for Niel. It wasn't exactly what he had to do that was hard, it was the stigma of the said tasks he as a man had to perform. Cooking, washing, cleaning, setting up decorations, and lastly, taking care of children or pups as they said in the pack. It also didn't help that once again he had almost no knowledge of how to take care of these things.

When Katherine was done showing Niel around what he could do they sat down in the informal living room. "I know you are aware of the current climate we found ourselves in," Niel gave a curt nod in response. "And I hope you are regardful of your role as Luna in hard times." Katherine raised a brow.

"Well, from what you have told me and Charlotte has taught me there are three roles a Luna can fill in, although Charlotte has also said it doesn't necessarily have to be one of the three. As long as the Luna supports their mate and pack."

"That's true. Have you given it some thought on where your place is in the pack?"

Niel fumbled with his fingers. He got a feeling he would be scolded like a student who didn't make their homework because he didn't think about it. "Honestly, no." The teenager could already see the contempt on Katherine's face. To save himself he followed his answer up with another reply. "I haven't had much time to think about it. It was only recently I accepted my place here and when I finally got settled my mom ended up in the hospital..."

"Yes, I heard about the unfortunate event... I am sorry. Mates, I mean, partners shouldn't treat each other like that. But there is nothing you can do about it, so you will have to move forward, which means, assuming your role as Luna."

The words stung the teenager, both positively and negatively. "I realize, looking back, I didn't make a great first impression and I haven't been the kindest to you and it will take time before I can be. But, I suppose, I have to put my conflicted feelings aside for the survival of this pack... Now on to business." Katherine forced a smile.

Later that evening Niel searched for Atlas. The whole afternoon he was lectured by Katherine about what would make a good Luna and that they both concluded the third role would suit him the best. Meaning the role of a supporting mate or what Katherine called the 'housewife' role when they first met. She went on and on about how Niel should strengthen the mate bond and that he should take on a more nurturing attitude toward Atlas and the pack. The teenager knew she was right but the whole talk and advice felt somewhat condescending and he needed some comfort.

"Atlas? You in here?" Niel stuck his head out between the two big doors of the office. As he lay his eyes on Atlas his want for comfort turned into giving comfort. The Alpha looked absolutely exhausted.

A tired smile settled on Atlas' face. "What's going on, love?" He turned his chair away from his desk as Niel walked up to him. "I can better ask you. You look tired."

"It's nothing..." The Alpha sighed.

"Is there something I can do for you?"

Atlas took Niel's hand in his and slowly pulled him onto his lap. "You being here is enough." The teenager didn't mind that the only thing he needed to do was sit on his mate's lap and cuddle. "I missed you," Atlas muttered while planting a kiss on Niel's head.

"I missed you too," The teenager confessed.

"Really? Was my mother hard on you?"

Niel shrugged. "A bit." His nonchalant reply made the Alpha laugh. He gave him another kiss and a pat on the legs. "All right, break is over. Go to bed, I will be there soon."

"What? No, you should turn in for the night as well. You look knackered, as the British say." Atlas found Niel's words endearing but he still had piles of work to go through. With both the festival and a possible lethal attack he had the work non-stop. He was stressed. Every time he saw his loved ones he would be reminded that all of them could be taken away from him.

"As much as I love seeing you all worked up about me, I have to work some more."

"No, you have done enough," Niel didn't know where this sudden worry and care came from. He knew some feelings were brewing inside of him for Atlas over the last few weeks. But the closer they came to the surface he was still surprised.

"Love, I am serious."

"I am serious too."


The teenager didn't let his mate finish. He needed to show how serious he was, so he cupped Atlas' cheeks and pulled their faces close, and slammed his lips on Atlas'. The Alpha was surprised but still very welcoming to the kiss. He grabbed the teenager's hips as Niel put his arms around Atlas' neck.

Niel wasn't aware how much he had missed this. How he missed the fireworks erupting inside of him of joy and pleasure. They had shared some kisses after their talk but this one felt different. Niel felt safe and the little voices of doubt and sin were gone.

The Alpha picked his mate up and set him on his desk, throwing the documents off the table. His hand went under Niel's shirt, exploring his torso. He liked feeling how the muscles flexed and relaxed, like feeling the softness of the skin. The Alpha wanted all of his mate but reminded himself Niel might not be ready for that yet.

He pulled away. Both of them were out of breath. "Why did you stop?"

Atlas chuckled. "You want more?"

Niel nodded. "Are you sure?" Niel nodded again. "I-I want to explore more, if-if you want that too, of course."

"I want nothing more, love," Atlas whispered with so much love in his eyes. Niel had never seen such an expression before. He had never seen somebody with so much compassion and love in their eyes for him. "I just don't want you to feel pressured... I am sure my mother-"

"No, no, no, it's nothing like that," Niel reassured. "I really want this, I promise."


"I promise."

"Well, then we better move this party to the bedroom." 

As His World Changed (MxM)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ