Chapter 2

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So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble on it's own.
Matthew 6:34

2148 Giad Federacy

The next day when Lydia came home from school, she saw the 86 and Ernst having a talk in the living room.
"Ah Ly there you are"- said Ernst happily.
From the sound of his voice Lydia could tell that he wants something
"How was school?"
"It was alright"- answered Lydia.
"Now that you're here, I actually wanted to ask you-"
There it is- thought Lydia
"To show these fine Ladys and Gentlemen the town"
"I want to come too"- started Frederica
Oh no
"I think it's better if you stay here now."- said Ernst.
Oh yes
"Well, I would like to show you guys around, so if you want, we can all go now."-started Lyds.
"We better hurry before Frederica convinces Ernst to come with"- she whispered.
The 86 chuckled at that. Well maybe not Shin. They could all tell that Frederica was something.
"Ok, then we'll get going now."
"Ok, be careful"- warned them Ernst.

They all went out the door.

"Can I ask a question?"- started Anju.
Lydia looked up curiously.
"Well you already asked one, but sure go ahead"
"What kind of school do you go to?"
The 86 looked at Lydia curiously. Even Shin.
"I go to a medical school. I want to be a doctor."
She didn't mention that she wants to join the military as a medic.

Lydia looked across the road with an empty look. Raiden followed her eyes and saw children playing happily with their parents.
Lydia had a sad smile on her face. She shook her head and smiled.

"Look there's an ice cream stand. Let's go"- she said.
As she ran the 86 followed closely. Lydia got her wallet and bought ice cream for everyone. Anju eyed it curiously.
"Anju you said that you love cooking. Maybe you can try a cooking course. There you can meet people with the same interest. And maybe you can try making ice cream."
Anju's eyes widened at that. She wouldn't have thought that Lydia remembered that nor that she cared.
"Now try it out."
The 86 were hesitant until Raiden licked the ice cream. He's eyes widened.
"Oooh, it's one of the best things I ever had."
Anju smacked his head.
Lydia laughed at that. Raiden looked at her.
Their eyes met. They looked in each others eyes for a while until Theo cleared his throat.

Lydia shook her head.
"We should get going."
After Lydia showed them around the city they returned to the Zimmermann residence.
After talking for a while they all went to sleep.

00:15 Giad Federacy, Zimmermann residence

Lydia sat up on the bed, sweating. She was breathing heavily. She cluched her chest and tried to calm down.
After a while her breathing became even but she couldn't sleep back.

Lydia got her slipper on and went down to the kitchen to make herself some tea.

She remembered back to her dream.

Those voices.

I'm gonna kill you.

I'm gonna kill you.

I'm gonna kill you just like your-

"Are you okay?"- Lydia snapped out of her trance and turned around. It was Raiden.
"Yeah, i'm fine. What are you doing out here so late?"
"I could ask you the same question"- he leaned on the door frame.
"Do you want tea?"- asked Lydia
"I see how it is, you divert the subject."

Lydia didn't said anything. She handed Raiden a cup of tea. Both of them leaned on the counter and looked at the moon.

"The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?"- asked Lydia suddenly.
Raiden looked confused. The moon? He didn't question it tho. He just agreed.
Woman- he thought.

"Do you hate the republic, for what have they done to you?"- asked Lydia all of sudden.
Raiden looked at her.
"Even after all they put us through none of us hates them. If we would hate them so much, we wouldn't be some much better than them now. And there are some good albas out there too."- he answered after some time.
"You know, i'm from the republic too."
Raiden looked at her shocked.
"And i have to agree with you. Even tho i do not accept their mindset. They judge people upon their hair color, when they all look like old people. And the way they treat the people there."
Lydia thought about her brother.

They drove my brother to...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the light turning on. Ernst entered the kitchen.
"Now, now what are you kids doing here. Eating a midnight snack perhaps? Even tho i'm happy you get along you should do that in the morning. I thought someone broke in."- he said.
"Sorry about that"- said Lydia
"No, it's alright. But go to sleep now it's really late."
All of them went to bed.

Raiden stared at the ceiling. Lydia was from the republic. How? Why is she here? She's not an alba but she's not an 86 as well. Lydia has white hair but what's with the black stripes.
He thought for a while. About her appearance and mysterious aura. The way she stared at that family before. And how she would zone out with empty eyes.

Raiden didn't know what she's been through but it might have been 10 times worst than what he had.
He thought about Lydia for a while, when he stopped breathing.

Her neck....and her scarf.

It's like Shins.

Is she... is she like him? What's with that exactly.
Raiden decided not to think about it anymore.
Maybe i'm overthinking it. It's probably just a coincidence.
Deep down however he knew. Raiden knew it wasn't just a coincidence. And that everything has a reason.

A/N: Hi, i know it's been a long time i honesy had zero time, bat I have school break now so I may update a few times in this few weeks. I don't exactly like how this chapter turned out but you tell me. And the quote from the bible...idk, i'm watching Monster and i think i'm a little bit writing depressive and more serious than the 86 anime. I mean comparing the two... but tell me how you like it and don't forget to vote.

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