Part 15

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She dreamt about having a pair of angel wings. It was really weird. She dreamt of flying through the clouds, soaring through the air. Her arms were feathery and golden, and the clouds were fluffy and white. Her hair flew out like a lion's mane, surrounding her dark face like a frame surrounding a painting or photograph. She really did look beautiful, and almost angel like

as she soared above the heads of onlookers. Their mouths were open, and they were chanting the words "Lucy! Lucy! Luc-"

Lucy was woken by the rustling of sheets in a bed next to her. That was strange. There hadn't been a bed next to her when she had fallen asleep, had there? There hadn't, she was sure of it. And even if it had been there, there had certainly not been a person sleeping in it! That was strange, and it creeped Lucy out.

She rolled over, and to her surprise, found a small grey compartment on the side of her bed with a torch in. She blinked a few times in surprise, shook her head a little, then flicked the switch, turning it on. Suddenly, she felt aware of what a mess she was. She started untangling her hair, which had somehow knotted around the St Christopher charm still on her neck. Her hair was still in a ponytail, so she took it out, put the navy blue bobble on her wrist, and brushed it with her fingers. It was the perfect time to read the prophecy on the back of the St Christopher charm.

'It is an overlander, poor and miserable,'

'Her feelings are down, her hopes are gone.'

'But she shall save us all.'

'Though her feet are sore from Satan's Breath,'

'She shall save us all, with her best friend, The Princess.'

Lucy gasped. That was walking about her and Rose! It was! It was! It was! But, if she and Rose weren't friends, then...

It couldn't be her. Lucy was just twisting it up in her head, trying to make it fit her, because she wanted it to. It wasn't her. It couldn't be. It shouldn't be. Lucy was going to find a way home, not find a way to save Fairyland.

I'm starting to realise how similar this is to the Gregor The Overlander series by Suzzanne Collins... oops. I didn't copy it on purpose, I swear!
Talking of books, what is your favourite book/book series?
I quite like Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton. Anybody else read it and liked it?

A Hidden WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora