"Aww my baby brother is becoming a man." Fox teases him, making him squirm out of her arm before pushing her away from him.

Not even a second later Sam and Deena walk over both having the 'after sex glow' making Fox throw her hands up.

"Wait, wait. Did you...all go to pound town?" Simon asked everyone but Fox as everyone shifted uncomfortably. "Me too." He says with a smile making Fox groan as she walks in between everyone.

"Don't you guys know how horror movies work." She asked them making some shrug as others just gave her confused looks. "One of the main rules is you can't have sex." She tells them, making Sam shake her head at her.

"This isn't a horror movie Fox." Sam tells her making Fox give her a hard look as she turns around.

"We are getting chased by killing ghosts because you bleed on a witch's bones. Are you trying to say that this doesn't sound like a horror movie?" Fox asked Sam as she gave her a look as if saying 'try me bitch I know more than you'.

"None of that matters right now Fox right now we need to keep track of the plan." Deena tells Fox, making her nod as she stands next to Kate.

Fox was using a mop to put some of Sam blood down the halls as the other got the bathroom ready to set on fire Fox hoped to any Gods out there that this worked.

After doing that they all went to a hall waiting. Fox was sitting on the ground biting her nails as she waited. The sound of someone running made her jump a little only to see the Nightwing killer running her way just like in the woods.

She got up and started running down the hall, her pocket knife in hand as she ran to her friends.

"Nightwing is coming." She tells them as she stands next to her twin.

After a couple of seconds Simon comes running down the hall. "Dude! She's here! I saw her! She...She was so sexy, but fucking crazy still! She was doing it! Following the blood tail!" Simon tells them freaking out a little and Fox didn't blame him.

"It's working. Skull Mask freak, three o'clock." Kate tells them as Fox peaks her head out to see him coming down the hall.

Not long after that they could hear Ruby Lane singing as she got closer to them not that Fox would admit it to anyone but Simon but she definitely checked Ruby out as she walked closer to them.

"This is so dumb. If this doesn't work, I will murder you!" Kate tells Deena as she starts freaking out a little and Fox grabs her best friend's hand trying her best to calm her down.

"They're all here." Deena tells them as they see Nightwing come running down the hall and Skull Mask goes into the bathroom next was Ruby Lane and lastly Nightwing.

They hear them opening doors as they shut the door and wait for Sam to come out of the vent and when she does they light the bathroom on fire they can hear them shout in pain as they run down the hall.

They don't go back for a little while and when they do and put out the fire it's covered in black blood and the small makes Fox gag a little before she covers her mouth with her hand.

"Come back from that, motherfuckers!" Simon says as they all look around and they all chuckle smiling, feeling happy and relieved that they did it.

But that didn't last for long when the body pisces started forming again.

"What the fuck." Fox says as she watches two pieces form on the sink.

"Guy? Holy!" Josh says and Fox turns around only to see a hand try and grab Josh as Kate grabs the back of his shirt pulling him up as they all run out of the bathroom.

Flower ~ OcxOc (Fear Street 1994 and 1666)Where stories live. Discover now