Chapter ThirtyThree

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"That is my wife, you leave her along," his face wasn't angry it was more excited than anything.

The only thing Jane could think of is if he was here where were the guys!

"What the hell are you talking about," she looked over his body he had deep cuts on all over him that could have only been from a knife, the demon blade?

Janes eyes widen when she realised she was right the whole time he is defiantly a monster but not of the supernatural kind.

"You need to stop this, she is not your wife, non of these women are," she slowly moved closer but was stopped when he aimed the gun at her head.

"Doesn't mean I can't have fun," he laughed

'What the hell does that mean' Jane thought looking back at Clara. I can't let her stay here.

She stared at the man his eyes staring back in hers, they were so dark almost demon like but this man was evil in a different sense of the word.

"You would be a beautiful red head," he said tilting his head looking her up and down, Jane felt rage begin the rise in her body but she stood there for a moment and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breathe she released herself flying in the air she jumped at the man catching him completely off caught. She grabbed the gun from his hand as she landed on his chest holding him down with all of her weight.

"You are a monster, do you know what we do to monsters," at that moment Sam and Dean ran down the stairs finding Jane on top of Ryder they stopped as they watched Jane.

"Let me guess you kill them," Ryder replied a smirk on his face not afraid of death

"Yes, but I'm not going to kill you," Ryder looked confused as did Sam and Dean

"No you don't deserve death, you see these women," she slapped his face as she turned it towards the 2 women bead. "I'm going to give them the justice they deserve," and with that Jane hit him in the temple with his gun causing him to go unconscious.

Dean and Sam stood there somewhat shocked looking at her eyes to find they weren't black at all, seeing this Dean smiled to himself.

"Why didn't you kill him?" Sam broke the silence and Jane ran back over to Clara not giving any acknowledgement to the guys.

"Because he doesn't deserve it, if he dies he gets off easy he doesn't get punished in this world for what he did to those women," She turned to look at the girls. "And they deserve justice just as do their families."

Dean and Sam nodded noticing a tear in Janes eye "Are you okay?" Dean asked

"I'm fine," she whipped it away "Now tie him up and let's get out of here,"

Jane carried out Clara as they toke her to the hospital leaving her there along with an anonymous tip to the closest police station of the whereabouts of the 3 missing women and the man responsible.

On the way back to Jane's apartment the car was silent but she couldn't help thinking about what happened to her family and the man who killed them what happened to him was he ever punished for what he did to her and her loved ones.

Dean interrupted her thoughts "Okay I'll be the first to ask, how the hell did you do that without going all," he paused but was interrupted by Jane


Dean looked at her through the review mirror "Yeah?" he watched as a small smile grew on her face, she was proud of herself.

"I've been training," the car suddenly slighting jolted as Sam and Dean are taken back.

"Training?" Sam asked intrigued

"Yeah, well um the last couple of months I've been learning to control it," Jane looked out at the passing world outside the impala she was happy again, she liked this; being able to talk to the guys again.

"Really?" Dean said giving her quick glances from the review mirror

"Yes really," she chuckled "I've, I think.." she paused thinking about what she was going to say for a moment then nodded to herself "Yeah I think I've really kind of accepted it now, I mean I don't want to be a demon but I know some part of me still is and I want to control that part as much as I can, I don't choose to be a demon,"

Dean and Sam looked at each other and smiled and proceeded to congratulate her.

"That's awesome Jane, how does that work?" Dean hit Sam on the arm "Dude leave her alone don't ask her stupid questions she's doing fine, you're doing fine Jane," he looked up at Jane again and gave her a big smile.

And she returned it with a bigger smile, she missed this and she missed them.

Unknown Origins (Supernatural Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang