chapter 14 - hate

Start from the beginning

Arisa marched her way towards the room across of hers, still in her prayer outfit

she knocked the door

no answer

she knocked yet again

no answer

dengan lafaz bismillah

Arisa opened the door

she saw the three male on the bed still asleep

" BANGUNN BANGUN BANGUNNN SUBUH !!!!! " Arisa shouted making all the boys in the bed waking up

pissed at the way the girl woke him

"" she simply said going out of the room and making her way back to her room

Arisa took a shower and put on some clothes

she posted it in her ig story before going downstairs for breakfast

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she posted it in her ig story before going downstairs for breakfast

today Arisa was planning on going  shopping for tonight with Fahmi's supervision ofc cause her dad wont let her go alone

kak sofia made nasi lemak and she ate that while waiting for Fahmi

Fahmi came down the stairs in a brown t shirt and jeans

they ate in silence before Fahmi broke it by a question

" dik, dua ekor tu ikut sekali okay ? "

the girl looked at her plate

she was okay with Hakeem going but Kahar? she really didn't wanna see Kahar at all

" ok " she simply said when footsteps of people coming down the stairs was heard

" morning " she heard a rich voice said

she knew it very well

the other two took their seat and they all sat in an awkward silence

when they finished eating Hakeem spoke up

" kita pergi mana dulu?" he asked

" uhh kita pegi mall dulu sbb Arisa nak pegi cari baju untuk malam ni and then after that tengok la dulu " he said

they went in the car with Hakeem immediately taking the front seat

" HAKEEM " Arisa yelled

" takde takde aku dulu " he said blowing raspberries at her

Arisa's POV

i just knew Hakeem did that to piss me off

i took my seat in the back

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