Chapter 7: Deceived

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It didn't take long for Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen to arrive at the bottom of cloud Recesse. 'I haven't been here in a long time. This is the first place I met Lan Zhan.'


The Jiang clan couldn't get into Cloud Recesse because they have lost their invitation. Wei Wuxian is trying his best to get the clan into Cloud Recesse only to have the Lan clan gate keeper denying their entry.

Jiang Yanli tell Wei Wuxian that they should leave first, they can find another way to get into cloud Recess. When the Jiang clan is about to leave, someone from behind them walking towards them. They turn around to see a person in all white walking past them.

"This is Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen didi." Jiang Cheng whispered to Wei Wuxian. "Then he can help us get into Cloud Recesse."

As a couple of Lan disciple walk past them, Jiang Cheng said, "is he die?"

"Die? It look like he has been cursed by black magic."

"Black magic?"

When Lan Wangji heard what Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian just said, he turn around to look at them. The person who caught his eye is Wei Wuxian.

End flashback

"Wei gongzi, are you coming?" Wei Wuxian continues to walk, "We're you thinking about something?" Even though Lan Xichen started a conversation with Wei Wuxian, he doesn't want to talk to Lan Xichen.

'The two of them are the same, Wangji only talk to me and Shifu. Wei Wuxian only talk to Huaisang and Wangji.' "Come this way," Lan Xichen take Wei Wuxian to the library.

"The library? What are we doing here?" Wei Wuxian asked as he look around the room. A flash of memories make Wei Wuxian smile.


"Here this is for you. I won't be here anymore," Wei Wuxian hold a drawing picture in front of Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji put down what he is doing, he take the picture to look at it, 'He drew me.'

While Lan Wangji is looking at the picture, he doesn't know that Wei Wuxian have switched his book with something else. When Lan Wangji put it down Wei Wuxian said, "boring? I know you will say boring. Can you change a word or add some new ones?"

As Lan Wangji put down the drawing he said, "Extremely boring."

"You do add something. Thank you so much," Wei Wuxian have on a mischievous smile. Lan Wangji pick up his book again, when he turn the page he see something that he should never see. He threw down the book as he stand up shouting, "WEI YING!"

End flashback

'I am guessing he never seen such thing before,' Wei Wuxian continue to follow Lan Xichen. He watch as Lan Xichen used his spiritual energy to open a door, "this door lead down to another library but this library is forbidden no one can enter without permission."

The two walk down to the library from below, "is the book that you are looking for down here?" Wei Wuxian asked. This kind of make Lan Xichen happy because Wei Wuxian is talking to him.

"Yes, this book was written by one of our ancestors. He travel to a place in Japan call Dongying. He written this book call "The collection of Turmoil" with just seven notes it can take a person life."

"Then what can this book cause?"

"It can cause a person to become illness and it can disturb one person mind."

They finally arrive at the bottom of the stair, Lan Xichen walk over to the shelf where the book is at. Lan Xichen finally found the book, "I will try to play the song that Jin Guangyao have play for Mingjue Xiong."

About two to three page Lan Xichen found the page, "Lan Xichen, it look like someone tore off one of the page."

"No one can enter into this library without permission unless."

Wei Wuxian folded his arm in front of his chest,  "unless someone enter without the people in the Lan clan know about it."

"You mean....." Lan Xichen finally understand now, "I gave Jin Guangyao a jade token. He can come and go without anyone feeling his present but how come he know about this library? I never told him about it."

"Then let me ask you this Lan Xichen, when your clan got burn down by the Wen clan. Who was it that help you rebuild it?" Wei Wuxian asked.

*Gasp* "it was Jin Guangyao!"

"It look like not only Jin Guangyao deceived you but he also deceive everyone else as well. He used you Lan Xichen, your too kind for your own good. I am sure Nie Mingjue warned you about Jin Guangyao right?"

Lan Xichen went quiet at what Wei Wuxian just said, 'I always believe that Jin Guangyao is a good person. But I never though he would cause so much trouble for Mingjue Xiong and Wei Wuxian.' "It look like there are thing about Jin Guangyao that I don't know about, thing that he is hiding from me."

"I can do that. I want to see what else he has been up too. He has someone else who is helping him and I will find that person."

Wei Wuxian take the two of them back to Yiling. "Are you saying that he is not the only one behind this?" Lan Xichen asked as the two of them walk to the room where Lan Wangji is at.

"Jin Guangyao must have someone else who is helping him. Someone, who is not there at NeverNight? Who don't want to show up?"

"Who will that be?" Asked Lan Xichen.

"I don't know but I am sure that it is inside of Jin Guangyao head? If we know who he is, then I will capture him. As for now, I think you so try to figure out why Jin Guangyao use that song on Nie Mingjue. Or do you want me to help you?"

"I also want to know why. Why is he doing this to his sworn brother?"

With that Wei Wuxian disappear from there and reappear at NeverNight, "it is your turn Jin Guangyao. Lan Xichen want to know why you betray him." Jin Guangyao know that once Lan Xichen know, he will come to kill him or Wei Wuxian will do that for Lan Xichen.

"Let's start shall we?" Wei Wuxian eye went red as a smirk appear on his face.

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