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Chapter 1

I'm walking on my way home. It's still 5:30 and I'm too early than usual. Do you know why?

My life keeps getting worse. I was fired on my work because of my slow actions. I really hate myself for being slow and weak, I hate having body pains.

It's raining on a Friday afternoon. The sky is crying. It understands what I'm feeling, huh?

It's a bit dark. And there's only a few people walking. Maybe, at a time like this, they are all at their house.. with their family. They are all at their home.

While the clouds are gray and sad, while the sky is crying hard, the people around are indoors laughing and having fun with their love ones.

The sky thought to himself, will the sun shine bright again? Will he have the warmth he always wanted?

I am that sky. I always wish for it, but it never came.

I was walking on the sidewalk. I had my bag hanging from my shoulders, and I'm holding an umbrella on my right hand. I continued walking until I felt something strange.


A girl called out. I stopped and look to my left. I saw a girl on the middle of the road. She's on the floor, soaking wet.

What is she doing there? I can't see her face clearly from where I'm standing. The rain hasn't stop yet.

I looked around, there's no other one around. There's no vehicle ahead. The road is empty except the two of us. Weird?

I went near her and stand her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She didn't said a word. She only gave me a smile. She looks happy even though she's wet.

Then I saw a light.

"Look out!" I've heard someone's voice. It's not that girl's.

Before I knew it, darkness already took me.

~ ~ ~

I gradually opened my eyes. I looked around, everything is white. Ugh... I'm on a hospital.

I'm on a room lying on a pure white bed. I saw a woman on my right. She was sitting next to this bed. Maybe she's waiting for me to wake up?

"Thank goodness you're awake." She said when she saw me. She has a short blonde hair and she wears glasses. She's not too old, though.

"Oh.. yeah." I said, sitting up.

"Be careful." She said while helping me to sit.

"Thanks." I replied.

That moment, I heard the door opened. "Oh, he's awake." A man came in the room.

"Honey." The woman stand up and kissed him. Her husband, maybe?

They both sat on the sofa near the bed. "So kid, what are you doing at the middle of the road?" The man asked.

Wait, did he just called me 'kid'?

"What? I'm not a kid." I said. That's not a good joke, Mr. I always wanted to go back but I know that will never happen.

"Oh.. yeah, you're a teenager, right?" He said... what?

Teenager? What is the matter with this guy? I stood up and replied him.
"What are you talking about? I'm--" I didn't finish what I'm about to say when I saw a figure on the mirror in front of me.

I saw my self, at my young age. My teenage self.

"What in the hell?" I muttered. I looked at my hands, they were smaller than usual. I put my hand on my face, it feels... different. I feel so much different. No, I mean... it feels familiar... very.

I look at the mirror as I wave my hand. Is this a dream? Am I still sleeping?

"Are you... okay?" The woman asked worriedly.

"Yeah." I smiled. "I'm more than okay." This is a miracle. I'm back to my old... I mean, I'm back to my young self! Haha.

"Okay...? So what's your name?" The woman asked another question.

"I'm Norico--" I forgot, I can't tell my old name. If I do, my chance of starting again will fade. I'm reborn, I should live a new life from now on. But... what name?
"No, I mean Rico. I'm Rico." Shit, I can't think with a good name.

"Oh, I am Mrs. Hilton. We saw you in the middle of the road. What are you doing there?" She said. Yeah, I remember. I was fired on my job. It was raining. I was on the road, with...

"I was... helping a girl." I answered.

"A girl?" Both of them seemed surprised.

"Yeah, have you seen her? Is she here?"
I asked as I look around.

The couple looked each other.
"But, we didn't saw a girl. There's no one with you that time."

I felt chills down to my spine. What the? There isn't a girl? But... how?

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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