"Maybe if they know who you are they'll let you in"

"Doubt that" I said looking at my phone screen checking the time

"Unless you want to sneak in" he said smirking

"Khris how old are you? Like 30. we are not going to sneak into her concert!"

20 minutes later we found ourselves inside the venue. You want to know how we sneaked in? Well through the back area, where usually there's security but I was surprised to see that there wasn't

"This way" Khris said, Ash followed closely behind as we were basically backstage. I heard someone shout 7 minutes out loud basically saying that there's only seven minutes until Demi goes on stage.

"We should hurry" I whispered

"Or" I raised my eyebrow signaling for him to continue as we hid behind one of Demi's your cases

"Or?!" I basically whisper shouted. We didn't have much time

"Or we can always wait until after the show" I shrugged. We would have more time, and I could just watch her from the sidelines performing which I wouldn't mind

"I wouldn't mind" I looked ahead and saw Demi from far distance walking towards our direction but she wasn't looking at us, she was looking at her manager Miguel who talked to her, the closer she got the closer I can hear the conversation

"So 5 minute break then outfit change and you get the point" Demi only nodded before smiling. She was only a couple of feet away when I saw her turn to her left, I saw Ash behind me trying to break free cause he had saw Demi

"No Ash No! Not right now okay" Khris stood up once he saw that the coast was clear. We all of a sudden heard music playing from the arena showing that Demi had just started her concert. I immediately told Khris to follow me as I held Ash by his leash. We walked straight ahead trying to find Demi's dressing room ahead. I stopped when I saw her name on one of the rooms and entered it quietly, I looked around and saw all this clothes and things thrown everywhere. I went to sit on one of the couches along with Ash as Khris just stood there.

"So we're going to be here the whole time?" Khris said sitting next to me

"I mean we can try to watch her show" I said shrugging. We exited out of her room only to bump into her tour manager who didn't look happy

"Naya?!" He looked behind me "Who-Who is this?" He said looking at the guy who was behind me

"This is Khris-"

"Please don't tell me you're breaking up with Demi for this guy that's why you're here. I don't want her to suffer from a heartbreak right now" I looked at Miguel like if he was crazy

"Um no...I would never break up with her. I love her. Khris is actually my taxi driver and he brought me over here" I said "And I kind of came here to give Demi this" I told him grabbing the little box from my pocket. His face looked so proud and happy.

"Naya...you're proposing!"

"No! It's a promise ring" I said showing him the ring

"Oh my god. Thats even cuter! You came here to give her that?" I nodded and he smiled and hugged me "Listen, her set ends in about 40 minutes so you'll be fine. Wanna come with to see her perform?" I nodded urgently "Then let's go" we started walking while I grabbed Ash "By the way why is there a dog in here?"

"He's ours and Demi. I brought him here cause he's part of our little family" he smiled continuing walking.

40 minutes later after seeing Demi perform in front of her sold out crowd she exited the stage and started taking to her manager which was next to us a couple of seconds ago apparently. She was a couple of feet away from us and I saw Ash starting to wiggle his tail. All of a sudden Ash barked and I quickly tried to cover his mouth or do something

"Uh was that a dog?" I heard Demi say, her voice got closer and closer to us

"I say we retreat now" Khris said whispering in my ear but once I was about to tell him something Demi was basically standing in front of us and Ash went to attack her to the floor

"Buddy?" I sighed and approached Demi "Naya?" She got up quickly and hugged me circling her arms around my neck but not before kissing me "What are you doing here? Why were you hiding there? Who is that guy behind you? Why ha-"

"Demi" I said stopping her "Calm down and take a deep breath" I smiled as she looked at me "First of all that guy is Khris my driver" She nodded looking back at him and glaring at him making me chuckle "And I came here to surprise you although I failed at surprising you. I also brought Ash"

"His names Buddy Naya!" she whined giving me a small pout

"Ash still sounds better" she shook her head

"Well I'm happy you're here with Buddy and your driver" she said still glaring at Khris

"That's not all" She looked up at me

"I also had to give you something that couldn't wait" She looked at me momentarily

"I uh..." I grabbed the little box from my pocket and I saw her mouth basically drop after seeing the box

"Don't you think it's too early for a wedding" I laughed making her furrow her eyebrows

"Demi I'm not proposing. This is a promise ring. I know this might be stupid and you might think I'm stupid for coming all the way over here just to give you a promise ring but I couldn't wait to get you this. I just wanted you to know that one day I will marry you. And that you have nothing to worry about, that I'm all yours and you're all mine, I just want to start a family with you already although I know it's too soon to get married, but I could wait, that's why I want you to have this" She had tears coming out of here eyes and I immediately wiped away her tears with my free hand "So will you Demetria Devonne Lovato accept this promise ring?" She only nodded smiling before I inserted the ring on her fingerand kissing her, our kiss soon turned into something more until someone had to clear their throats

"I'm still here you know, I kind of don't want you two to have sex in front of me" I heard Khris say making me and Demi blush

"Cmon" I whispered in Demi's ear making her shiver.

I want youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora