
After taking a half-bath, the brunette was heading to her bed, intending to go sleep when her eyes darted across the room to the table, before landing on the old paper. 

Sora's gaze lingered on it for a while before giving in to her thoughts and walking towards it.

Pulling her chair back, the brunette then took a seat and grabbed a pen, her hand staying in its position right above the blank paper. After a small debate in her mind, she then started writing.

Damn Kori...

Placing the pen down beside the paper, Sora stared at it for a while before standing up and headed to her bed. Pulling the covers, she laid down, her eyes staring at the ceiling and to the desk, where the paper was resting. 

Closing her eyes, the brunette soon wandered off into deep sleep, having no idea as to what she had gotten herself into.


Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp

A certain brunette scrunched up her face as the sweet and melodic sound of birds chirping met her ears. A leaf was dangling off on a branch before being blown off by the wind, falling on the girl's face. 

Startled, Sora immediately sat up, squinting her eyes when the bright light of the sun landed on her eyes. 

"....Huh..?" Looking around, the brunette was shocked to find herself in a forest. 

Last time she remembered, she surely slept on her comfortable bed back at her apartment, not on some grass. 

..or did I..?

As she was about to stand up, she felt a hard object brush against her hand. Looking down at her right, she knitted her eyebrows in confusion when her eyes landed on a black scabbard. Sora reached out for it and held it in her hands, her eyes studying the object.

This was familiar.

Unsheathing it, the brunette found herself staring wide-eyed at the sword, her face reflecting on the blade. This was getting creepier and weirder by the second, scaring off the girl as she sheathed it back to its scabbard.

Since it looked like it might come in handy some time, she decided to bring it with her. Besides, she did learn some kendo before, so she had some experience.

 Besides, she did learn some kendo before, so she had some experience

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"Now.." She said as she stood up, scanning around her. "...Where exactly am I?"


After what seemed like eternity of walking, Sora finally reached a small, lively town. After asking a random villager, she was told that she was currently on an island called Rakuzon.

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