Three - Part 1

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"So, y'all were holding out? Okay." he chuckled and caught his earpiece before it fell out of his ear, putting it back in. "Y'all redeemed yourselves. Let's get the next song going."

The concert continued just like that. We had so much fun jumping around and dancing to every song they played next. They did about four more songs from their album and were in the middle of the fifth before a security guard came to get us.

The security guard was tall as hell. At least 6'3, very built and muscular. "Good Evening, Ladies. I'm here to escort y'all backstage to get ready for the next song."

We said bye to Nia who gave us a huge thumbs up and told us not to be nervous. Holding each other's hands, we allowed the security guard to guide us through the large crowd.

We did notice a few girls giving us glares, probably putting two and two together that we were going on stage but no amount of pettiness or envy that I feel radiating off of them will get me off the high I'm feeling right now and I haven't even stepped on stage yet.

When we got backstage we met the other two girls who were picked to go on stage as well. Their names were Madison and...Brooke which is ironic considering the comment Nia made when she called Monica a 'brown-skinned Brooke Davis'

The boys finished singing one of their songs. The next song was supposed to be them singing a cover of 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz so imagine all of our surprise when Nathan says into the Microphone:

"So I know that ever since I released my solo album that y'all have been wanting to hear some of the songs live–" he starts and gets cut off by the screaming fans as they know what he's about to say next. He pauses to greet the applause he's met with a smile before signaling for the audience to lower their voices, "I think I'm ready to perform some of them but right now we only have time for me to do one song. So I'm gonna give my brothers a break and let them cool off while you and I hang out for a bit. Is that alright with you?" he says this and the crowd erupts in screams wondering what song he'll sing from his album. At the same time, his fellow bandmates wave a quick goodbye to the audience and they turn to come towards us they head backstage. I think they're going to their dressing room.

They greet us with large smiles. Well, by 'they' I mean Dallas and Austin. Ethan kind of just gives us a small girn and a wave. Dallas and Austin say that they'll see us onstage later as they head to where they're going. I literally almost shivered as Dallas's arm brushed against mine and I suddenly have the urge to never wanna wash this arm again.

He smelled so good. All that dancing and jumping around and he still smelled as fresh as ever. I'm not sure what I could call the smell or what it really was but I know it was like a musky type of– "Ow!" I whisper shout as I grab my other arm rubbing the spot where Monica pinched me and look at her incredulously, "What was that for?!"

Monica looked like a dear caught in headlights as she didn't even look at me but continued staring at Nathan on stage when she said, "Nathan's calling for you."

I turn my head to look at the stage to see Nathan facing us. The audience can't see us but he can and he's looking at me.

Directly at me. His arms are crossed and his head is tilted as there's a small smirk on his lips before he licks them and lifts his hand up motioning for me to come to him.

On stage.

In front of thousands of people.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

(End Of Recap)

Thousands of people and their phone cameras and this moment will most likely be in their documentary.

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