Fairy tail

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.....................Akira POV....................

As we walk towards Master, the rest of fairy tail was noisy. Luckily, we didn't have to explain to them our situation.

"Hello. I've never seen you before. Are you new?" Mirajane asked. I blinked a few times.

"Hi. We came here by accident." Akito said. "My name is Akito this is Akira." Everyone in the guild stayed quiet for a moment.

"What?" I asked. "We did nothing wrong, well Akito might."

"Your sister did. After all she is powerful just like you." Canna said.

"Never thought Akito would come here personally. I only expected Akira." Master said.


"STOP YELLING!" I yelled back. Akito made a mean face at me.

"Did you guys hit your head?" Erza asked. Akito got a tick mark.

"No." Akito said.

"Well, for a start your brother is looking for the both of you." Makarov said. Before I could ask, a guy with the military uniform came in with others. "Great they're here."

"I heard Lady Akito and Lady Akira are here." The guy in front said. (-_-) Why now?

"What do you want with us?" Akito asked.

"Your cousin, the princess and your brother command us to bring you both back." He answered.

"Whatever." I said with a sigh.

"Fairy tail will get a reward for finding them." He said. He turned and walked out.

"Lets go before he starts to annoy me."

"Ya, ya, ya." I said trying to anoy Akito.


We made it to the castle without anyone trying to kill us. We walked in the front and to the throne room. She was sitting on the queens chair.

"Yes you summoned us." Akito said in a board tone. She giggled at us. Amon steps next to the chair.

"Why do you have to ruin everything." I mumbled.

"You guys shouldn't be running around. Besides what would happen if we didn't intervene." Amon said.

"Interven my but!" I yelled. "Besides we were fine."

"Besides Fairy tail is a nice guild." Akito add in.

"Yes but they're weak." Hisui said. Akito and I made a face at her. "What its the truth. Also the grand magic games are coming up."

"Yup! I bet you Fairy tail will win." I said with a smirk.

"So your betting huh." Hisui said with a smile on her face.

"Oh no." Amon and Akito said.

"If I win, give up on fairy tail." Hisui said.

"And if I win. You owe me and fairy tail." I said.

"Your on!" Hisui yelled.

....................Akito POV............

Why do I have to be related to idiots. I stop thinking because of my stomach. Everyone starts to laugh at me. "Why don't you guys rest up."

"Sure."Akira said. Two mades came out to escort us to our rooms. My room was dark and some what gloomy. I decided to take a long shower. When I was done I put on a black shirt, with black pants and regular shoes. Later we had a nice steak for dinner.

"Thanks for having us." Amon said.

"Yup thanks." Akira said. I nod.my head to her. We went our separate ways.

"Night Akito." Amon said with a smile. I ignore him and went to bed. After a few minutes of sleep, or so I thought, I woke up again. But this time I was sitting in front of a tree.

"Akito how many times did I tell you not to sleep out here?" The lady with long silver hair said. "First Lelouch, now you."

"Sorry coach." Akira said. Akira grabbed my arms so we could go."

"Where are we?" I asked.

(I do not own Code geass)

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